Aug 07, 2010 00:13


I originally planned to cosplay Kahoko for Minamicon 17... Then I found out there's a baby grand at Kitacon and I instantly thought "SCREW THIS, ADDING KAHO-CHAN TO MY ALREADY FILLED UP COSPLAY PLANS NAOW".
If anyone would cosplay with me then I would be so so happy, there's a baby grand juuuust for Tsuchiura... Or Fuyumi... Or anyone else that plays the piano in the series (Memory has gone blank, I'm sure some of the other guys can play piano as their second instrument but I can only think of Fuyumi as I remember her accompanying Hino in the last episode. I know for a fact Hihara only knows trumpet though lolol xD)

The piano would be an amazing photo-op in my opinion, that is, if we're allowed near it ROFL. I will be gutted if we're not allowed near it for photos D8

If you haven't guessed already, my dream cosplay group is a full La Corda d'Oro group!
Even if nobody joins me I'll probably wear Kahoko anyway because the location is amaaazing and with some awesome angles can probably look like Seisou Academy as it looks so nicely decorated in the hotel!
Although if anybody wants to be Len but doesn't have a violin, I have 2 ;D /nudge nudge

Kitacon seems to be the con of many photo-ops... I instantly added Diamond Crevasse Sheryl Nome to my cosplay plans as soon as I found out there was a lake nearby XD;
I must stop looking into the location before I add more costumes otherwise I will be having costume changes every hour oTL.

Hnnng, I now have the urge to re-read the whole series... Or what I own so far... I don't own Vol 11 onwards, what is this!? D:
/has gone a bit La Corda fanspazzy now

piano, conventions, la corda, omg, music, cosplay

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