Fic: The Road of Destiny (prologue)

Feb 18, 2008 19:04

Title: The Road of Destiny (prologue)
Pairing: Matt/Mohinder
Rating: PG
Summary: Destiny writes the road but do we get to choose whether or not we follow?
Warnings: Spoilers for everything, S1 and S2
Disclaimer: I own nothing

Destiny is a funny thing. No, not funny really; destiny doesn’t have much of a sense of humor. Rather, just a sense of persistent determination. Once she has set us on a road, she follows until the bitter end, working to ensure that the end she has so painstakingly written and set out for us comes to pass. There are the cursed few with the opportunity to see ahead into the future, to the end of that road. The question for those individuals is one of choice. If you can see Destiny ahead, do you remain in her path and face what has been written since birth, or do you jump, leap out of her way in hopes of cutting through the weeds and brambles of life to forge you own road; to write your own destiny, your own end? For some, Destiny is an unavoidable road, written in stone while for others the road of our own making is Destiny. Then there are those who see into the path ahead and don’t choose to wait in the middle of the road for the end nor do they leap in the nick of time onto the side of the road. No, these individuals see the end and throw themselves into the oncoming path of Destiny and embrace her with a welcoming smile.
Matthew was my destiny from the first breath I ever took. I know this. My life was his from the very beginning. I existed only in the periphery, the edge of life until he came blazing in with all determination and fury that King Arthur surely felt in his final battle for Camelot. Suddenly, my heart beat and my lungs sucked in deep breaths of air for the first time and I was truly alive. He donned his armor and grabbed his sword to fight valiantly for the life of a small child, determined to protect her from the beast that would harm her. He nearly gave his life, but his will to survive was far stronger than the will to destroy of the four bullets Sylar sent speeding into his chest. I knew from the moment I pressed my hand to his skin, a futile effort to staunch the crimson spilling from his wounds, and felt his heart beat against my palms that this was what my life had been leading to. This moment with this man was where I was always meant to be. I had found my Destiny.
He lived. I learned in the hospital, sitting in the uncomfortable chair with Molly asleep on my lap, that my Destiny belonged to another. A woman, who couldn’t appreciate the magnificence that was Matthew and didn’t deserve him but carried his child, came to claim him. She raged at him, blaming him for his injuries and in the end asking for a divorce. His child was never his and she wanted nothing more to do with the man she promised to love and cherish till death. 
My beautiful knight, my strong hero, smiled at his princess and assured her that everything was going to be okay when she asked why he was so sad, despite the heartache I could see on his face. My own heart clenched with his pain, desperate to comfort him but afraid that he would reject me; after all, Destiny is a fickle woman. He came to live with me and Molly, adopting her before the ink was dry on his divorce papers. He assured me that although I had no legal claim to her he would never take her away from me. I believed him.
I tried to hide my feelings, tried to prevent him from seeing what was in my heart and my soul. Unfortunately, I tended to forget that he was a telepath and even though I could hide the secrets in my heart and soul, the ones in my mind are not so easily concealed. One night I slipped up, letting my thought slip into English as I contemplated how I could feel so much for a person I just met. He didn’t run, didn’t leave and take the child I called my daughter as I expected. Instead he kissed me, whispering that he felt the same way.
Frankly, I wasn’t sure what to make of it. He had been married and I’m positive he never had a relationship with a man so I’m ashamed to say that I pushed him away. I insisted that he was feeling gratitude and still trying to recover from losing Janice. He was transferring his residual feelings for his ex-wife onto me and I refused to be a rebound relationship or worse, a substitute to the wife he had lost. Thankfully, Matthew was much smarter and more resolute than I and wouldn’t let me back off. It certainly didn’t help my resolve that he was irresistible. 
In the end it was simple; I loved him and he loved me. We made mistakes, got angry and yelled, we even separated for a time, but we always came back to each other. Two years after the near tragedy of Kirby Plaza we were still in love but still living in fear. Sylar was alive and determined to kill us all. I worked for the same Company that kidnapped Matt and held Molly prisoner. They assured us that they would protect us so there was no need to leave New York. We both knew that if we ever tried they would stop us.
Despite this, we were happy. Molly was doing well in school, Matthew was about to get a promotion and I had just discovered a way to synthesize the cure for the Shanti virus without needing my blood or Claire Bennet’s. Peter Petrelli was on the lookout for Sylar while Nathan Petrelli remained safely in hiding, still alive thanks to the capable hands of the best doctors in the country and kept secret thanks to the combined abilities of Matthew and Peter. Niki Saunders perished in a fire but her son was safe in Montreal with his grandmother and cousins. I made sure to check up on them a few times a month. Despite the fear and uncertainty we had created a sanctuary for our little family of an Indian geneticist, a telepathic detective, and a little girl who could find anyone in the world. Everything was going as well as could be expected until the day Noah Bennet showed up at our door.
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