Met this girl on
Speed_fic a few days ago. She's been on there for awhile but she posted a new art the other day along with some clips of a fic she was working on and both were amazing. She said she was having trouble with the writing and I told her I'd be more than willing to help toss ideas back and forth with her. Like
bittenfeld and I have been doing for weeks now XD So she emailed me and we exchanged a few emails and she was like "You have AIM?" So we hooked up on AIM.
In her email she told me her AIM name and said "So when I pop up you can't say "WHO DA HELL IS DIS?" So when I logged on this is how the beginning of our first conversation ever went:
Lali: It's never so much "Who Da Hell Is Dis" as "Who Da Hell Are You Again?" I am TERRIBLE at remembering who people are XD. I've totally stopped talking to people simply because I can't remember how I know them and I'm too damn embarassed to ask XD BTW, HOWDY!
Rae: lol! oh noes! I've forgotten your name too! Who the hell are you again? Sup galla! XD
Lali: XD I'm a crazy stalker I guess >D. At least I'm not trying to sell you medicine to make your peen bigger.
Not much, just got your email and was like "O, hay, I should log on!" (Cause y'know I've been on all morning and haven't done it >.<' I'm such a nice interactive creature)
Rae: LOL! OMG you keep getting them goddamn ads too? THEY'RE ALL OVER THE PLACE! Dictonary site? check. Pregnancy and baby name site? check. The whole damn internet? CHAAECK!
Rae: it's ok hon you're not alone in being a stalker *crunches her penis cookie* ...Oh dear lord they really are everywhere... O_O
Lali: Hahahah I KNOW! I get them in my email and I totally want to write them back and be like "If you can make MINE bigger... I'll give you the money." XP
Rae: lol!
Lali: Do you know how badly I want to make a batch of peen sugar cookies?? I damn near bought the mix at the grocery the other day
Rae: eeeheheheh *claps hands together* Dooooo it! Doooo it! Make the peen cookies and then take a picture and send it to me. I must see the cookie of peen..
Lali: Hahahahhaha I should man XD We'll see where that gets me. My artistic skills are less than thrilling, hence why I stick to writing XD Maybe I'll write Trixie making peen cookies *lmao*
Lali: Speed can pick one up absent mindedly and nibble on it and Trixie can make a comment like he really seems to know what he's doing. Oh Speed won't know what she means immediately... but I can see him looking and going "GAWW!" and dropping the cookie and blushing HORRIBLY! XDDDDDDD
Rae: Yes! That's exactly what i was so going to say man! Heheh poor Speed you can't escape it, the peen is you destiny! Well... SOMEONE'S peen is your destiny at least. XDD
Lali: LMFAO!! and not just your own honey ^_~--<3
X: *ears burning*... hmm?
Rae: eeehehehehe right on!
Been talking to her for 4 hours now and for about the last 2 we've been writing back and forth some rather delicious Speed/X smut.
just met... writin' smut.
Speed Racer Fandom Still Pwn's My Soul. <3