It was like being in a coma... only I woke up to go to the bathroom and wonder what day it was.

Aug 11, 2008 21:54

First of all: Damn I haven't used this icon in forever XD it's like... the first icon I EVER made XD.

So lately I haven't been sleeping well at all. It's been a very broken 3 or 4 hours of sleep and then maybe another 2 of tossing and turning and catching bouts of 15 minutes. It has sucked.

So last night I decided to break this hideous cycle and take a sleeping pill (I generally hate using them because they really do knock me on my ass.)

So I slept... and I slept... and slept & slept & slept...

Nearly 24 hrs later I wake up like "?? What day is this?? Dude... trippy."

Somewhere in there I had dreams about driving my Dad's old Ford Explorer... Except this light was taking FOREVER and for some reason when I took the truck out of park the harder I hit the break the more I seemed to go backwards O.O' I hate this like that...

another dream was searching for an Arby's in this stretch of road that's ALWAYS in my dreams. I've also had dreams of being lost with Mi-chan and avoiding a killer in this same stretch of road before o.o'

In another dream I was hiding from some kind of crazy ass gang war in Shepherdsville *snerk*... and this little girl like... got her hand blown off and kept asking her mother (who was nowhere around) if she could have ice cream. I found this little girls hand lying not too far away from her and picked it up (EW) and ran into this diner and was like "Dude,!" and he just stared at me so I leapt over the counter and got the ice myself.

In yet ANOTHER dream I ended up in some kind of office waiting for my Dad to get some with whatever the hell it was he was doing. We had been running from something and were just finally getting home but there were people inside and so we were like "oh crap" XD. So my Dad gives ME a gun (<.<; Good goin' pops.) and we go in through the basement door (that I never locked >D) and it's all dark and crap XD Turns out it was just my sister and her BF and I was disappointed... I wanted to shoot something ^^'

Right about then I finally woke up and wondered wtf and decided it was time to get up.

some of that... I understand and can figure out where I got it from my day to day life... other parts... I must seriously stare at myself in a mirror and go "WTF's wrong with you Lali?" XD

I still feel groggy and my eyes do NOT want to focus well... everything's kinda hazy >.< another reason I hate those damn pills. But I slept... and I slept well despite fucked up dreams. I'm ready to take on the world tonight *cracks knuckles* XD

dad, dreams

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