Second Friends Cut.
Sorry that I have to cut some of you out of my friends list. Don't be mad at me or hate me because I have my reasons to delete you.
1.I would prefer to have a small group of friends, who I can trust & who I can get to know better, rather than having people who I hardly talk to, or who I can't get to know better.
2.Some of you have nothing in common or share interest with me.
3.Some of you, i'm not interested in your life.
4.Some of you hardly ever update your lj. You might be busy or something like that, I don't know, please don't come with excuses, I don't want drama. So respect my decision.
________ohhgirl___fallenangels __glossy alfnesscooll511hyperspunkyrlatpalromeo_diagoradiantassassinsiriuslpchicktati_iconsvintageribbonwhereschelseaxcrystal_angelxyuumimochi Some are just old journals people don't use anymore so I will ban them.
To the other user, please take me off your friends list. You have two weeks, if you don't do so I will ban you.
If any of you (who I deleted) still have my msn or are part of, we can still talk there if you want to.