Well, I had a really nice Christmas, birthday, etc... annnd now it's 2009. Time for my good 'ol recounting of the year, wheeee.
In 2008:
I finished high school +++-
I got into my dream art school ++++
I... have no idea what I'm going to do with degree from said art school --
I got all As and Bs in my first semester of said art school +
Met my epic roommates +-
I feel like I'm just not as smart as I used to be due to the lack of challenging classes ---
Got an apartment +++-
Moved out on my own ++--
Had serious depression for... almost the entire year --------
I had a downright ridiculous amount of drama with my boyfriend --------
We made it through the drama and are better than ever +++++++++
Prom 2008... was largely an extreme disappointment --+
Senior year in general was a pretty big disappointment. ---
The economy and country ASPLODED. ----
I voted! ++
Obama got elected ++
I started looking into stuff like politics and religion and began to really think for myself, as opposed to going along with my parents brainwashing +++
My metabolism slowed down so I started gaining weight ---
I started exercising +
I have fun exercising ++
I've gained some downright ridiculous paranoia and anxiety issues ----
I've grown distant from almost all of my friends ----
A lot of my friends are way different than they used to be, hence the first one ---
I feel like I've just gotten a lot colder and have a harder time getting close to people ---
Made several new friends ++
Reunited with some old ones ++
Joined Riftstream, which fills me with glee ++
LM started up again... only to die again. ++--
I managed to finish two chapters of CP ++
I didn't finish CP like I said I would -
I saw TTGL, Lucky Star, Haruhi, Black Lagoon and Soul Eater. Twas good times. ++
The Dark Knight and Wall-E. That is all. +
Discovered Law of Talos and Unknown-person's ridiculously awesome characters. ++
Came up with an original character! What the hell? ++
Beat the .hack//G.U. series. Moar good times. +
Found that I actually like my family ++
Got over my fear of my boyfriend's family... I really feel like I belong at his house now +++
Played some FPS like BioShock and Portal, found I don't suck so bad at the genre and I actually enjoy playing those games +
Got my macbook ++
Spent the night with boyfriend, good times ++
Overall I'd say I'm a better person ++++
Final count: 66 +, 55 -
Wow... throughout the past year all I could seem to think about was how much my life has been sucking lately and what a terrible year this has been. To be honest, I think this was the hardest year of my life, as ridiculously melodramatic as that sounds. I think 2008 was hard for everyone, re At the beginning of last year I made a resolution to angst less, and I think I ended up angsting more than I ever have. There was the whole extreme depression thing, the suicidalness, the art block, the massive disappointment at the end of senior year, the serious anxiety and paranoia issues, the constant drama... it still kind of hurts just to think about it all, really. Yet when it comes down to it, all the little good things come together to outweigh the bad. Here at the end of it all I think I've become a stronger, better person and I'm glad for that.
Funny how these things work. Now if I could just keep myself from getting all scared that next year will be just as bad, hehe.
So yeah... here's to another year. I don't really have any resolutions, I just want to do my best to keep going and hope things will continue to be as good as they've been. All I want is to be happy, really. The way I see it, if I survived 2008, I can survive anything.
Well, here we go. To 2009, may it be better for everyone than 2008 was~!