All Alone on a Saturday Night......Did I Mention its December 24th?

Dec 24, 2005 19:24

Let me just say...sorry i haven't updated in over a month..I haven't felt much like writing. I think I may have found some purpose in my life. I'm not saying I had none before, in fact, i think i had more before, and it was the right thing too, but now I've found limited purpose which won't last forever. But it'll last right now. I'm not really sure what I have chosen. If you get the chance to go one way and keep it forever, but give up something you love, or go the other way, do something you love, which means hurting alot of people close to you, and know it will only be temporary, which would you do? Well, my friends, I face this question everyday of my life. and I haven't made a decision yet. I know it may seem obvious. The second option is quite selfish. But at some point, it's like, if you never do anything for yourself,....where do you end up? No one else does anything for me. I do everything for other people. Why aren't I allowed to do something for myself. Something I love with all my heart? I don't know. I may debate this issue my whole life and waste my life away never knowing. Oh well.

So anyway, here's some bands I listened to and liked. Hah. Check them out- Some are like,over, but i still like the songs that once were. If you have the 2005 sampler from Uprising Records-you know where i got these bands from. Yeah, im original. Also-if you have some good bands you want me to hear about. Please. Let me know. Im writing an article about some of the greatest albums to buy as well as some bands that everyone should know me out, i need all the help i can get.

  • The Pretty Weapons
  • Red Knife Lottery
  • Death Cab For Cutie
  • Sleep Comes Down
  • Project Rocket
  • The Esperantos
  • Nehemiah

Until...the next update...farewell.

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