Just Time For A Update

Nov 23, 2008 08:12

Well, again I noticed I haven't written in here in a long ass time... which I really want to say I'm sorry for.  But life has been kinda nutz around here.  And not just because of the holidays commin up and all the birthdays around the same time.  It's just everything in general.  I mean for starters two of my friends are gettin divorces and they are now seeing other people which is great don't get me wrong, but to date your wife's best friend n live in the same house together and still try to be friends with all of them at once is hard.  Then ya have Rob and I that are doin better since we're out on our own living in our apartment. And with takin care of Dante since he's now on the move and almost 2 years old, he's always on the move.  I don't really have time to sit and blog anymore.  Plus then with Rob and I doin Markland ontop of everything it's kinda nutz.  I mean it's nothing that I'm not use to doin, but still.  Plus with the holidays commin up it just make things more crazy for us. I mean we might have to go though toys for tots this year so that Dante can have a christmas, since money is tight this year for us.  And it don't help matters much when our birthdays are just a few weeks away from Christmas and having to set up birthday partys onto of everything cuz Rob's is Jan 2nd, Dante's is Jan 9th, and mine is the 14th so ya it's goin to be hard.  Plus my parents just lost their house back in Aug, so my father moved back to Oklahoma on Aug 7th, my mom's living alone only god knows where since he hasn't called me in a while. So ya that's where I'm at right now... lol, kinda crazy huh?? lol...  But I can say one thing, my life hasn't really been better then this ever!  I mean hell if I was still with Jason my life would be sooo fucked up right now I would just wanna die....
so ya I'm quite happy right where I'm at.  Here is an updated picture of Dante for everyone who's been askin me to see him.

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