(no subject)

May 19, 2008 02:39

I don't think I would make a really good blogger. People who blog just seem to have such an artistic flair of commenting on even the simplest things. I don't think I can either be precise or eloquent enough. I don't even write in full sentences or make much sense at all. Maybe when it comes to blogging about professional life, I would work better? When it comes to feelings it's just so much easier to flatten them into two-dimensional shapes or colors. hm... I don't know why I'm still up so late. It must be anxiety. I'm nervous to graduate. I'm nervous to start a new chapter of my life. Yup. That's it. I've used up 25% of my life... and that's assuming I don't die of some freak accident at an early age. As everything comes to an end, it only seems appropriate to reflect on my time here and come up with some great lesson learned. But I don't know... four years have passed by. What goal did I really accomplish? What will I get out of this experience? I keep searching but I don't have an answer.

My dad told me that part of growing up is losing passion. Like nothing really is all that exciting anymore. Yield manage your life into smoothing out the major peaks and slumps. I really need to step up. I need to have more concrete plans... get the big sketch down and work out all the details. I'm confused as hell... as I try and bury all that inevitable sadness... all so complicated. I need to be calmer and wiser and have thicker skin. Always, I probably should work on being more worthy and indispensable. Think about issues more critically, be more observant. And be tougher and more "evil" in the business sense and poker-faced. Take calculated risks and make cost-benefit decisions. *sigh. We all have to grow up huh.
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