Ok, so...
I am famous ;). I am on today's cover of
. The article inside babbles about my company and how good and nice it is. Not a word about me, but one picture is worth a thousand words, heh?..
I e-mailed the picture to people and got the following responses:
Anfisa: "Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! You look like strict business women with white shirt! Congtrats! What is the article about? ... It is a big surprise! You did not tell...".
Scott: "you superstar, you..... that is really funny. could they have maybe gotten the camera any closer, up your nose and taken a picture of your nosehairs?"
And my personal very favorite:
Dad: "Cannot belive.... Unbeliveble... I am your father!".
So, i'm going to start a personal fan club some time soon. Stay tuned.