Positive Weekend

May 05, 2008 12:21

Friday: I got off work a little bit early and headed up North to meet Brian and make the long trek to Greeley. Such a pain in the ass (LoL). But luckily the traffic was nowhere near as bad as it was the last pick-up. We even had time to stop and get something to eat. We got to Greeley at 6:35 pm (pick-up is between 6:30 pm and 7 pm). Brian text Amanda and told her we were there, she never responded. I figured she was going to wait until exactly 7 pm to drop the kids off, but her aunt actually got there to drop them off about 6:45 pm. As we were driving back to Denver, Danica made a comment that she wished her mom and dad and me could all live together, it took all my self-control not to bust into hysterics! Now, THAT would be the day! LMAO! Danica also decided she was going to throw her gum on the carpet of the car, and Brian actually disciplined her! I was so proud (LoL). Usually he will let her get away with murder, but I talked to him about it after the last weekend the kids were here, and maybe he actually listened (LoL). We got home, Brian made the kiddos some Spaghetti O’s and then we put them to bed.

Saturday: I got up around 9 am and got ready, and took the kids with me to drop my car off at Just Brakes. Then we walked over to Village Inn and had an early lunch. Danica and Eli actually behaved pretty well at the restaurant. Then my mom brought me her car so I could take the kids to meet Des and Hailey and little Billy at the park. We hung out at the park for about 2 hours, which was cool, because I wasn’t sure what I was going to do with the kids all afternoon to entertain them while Brian was at work. But I sun-burned the hell out of my poor forehead! We got home about 3 pm, and Brian got home just about 30 minutes after us. Big Billy and Des came over with the kids around 5 pm and we grilled some burgers and hot dogs, the guys had some beers, and Des and I made pina coladas. YUM! Last weekend Billy made a comment that I never like to get drunk with them, and I told him, “Well, you might see me get drunk tonight! I love me some pina coladas! Around 8pm Janae and Darryl came over with Teja and Tierah, so it was more partying for the adults and more play time for the kids! So we had 6 adults, and 6 kids, in our little 2-bedroom condo (LoL). But it was a blast! The kids passed out around 11 pm (4 kids on the top bunk, 1 kid on the floor, and Danica sprawled out on the bottom bunk - LoL). It was a TON of fun! Des got some REALLY cute pix too, so I’ll post them as soon as she sends them to me. We haven’t partied at our house like that since my birthday last year. And I was toasted! That was actually the first time I really got my drink-on since New Years! Everyone left around 1 am, Brian and I surveyed the damage to the condo, but decided it could wait until morning, so we went to bed and got a little freaky-deaky. When he’s been drinking, Brian is such a freak in bed! I think to myself, “Damn, what happened to my b-f?” Haha. Not that I mind it at all! I like some freakiness every now and then!

Sunday: The kids woke us up at 7 am, Brian stayed in bed until 8:30 am and then got up, I tried to fall back asleep, but just ended up laying there until around 9:30 am. I got up and we spent about an hour and a half cleaning. Brian said, “Man, I haven’t trashed a house like this since high school. But that’s how you can tell the party was good!” I was actually surprised the neighbors didn’t come and complain, or even call the cops on us the night before (LoL) because I know we were being loud as hell. We got the kids all ready, and got ready ourselves and then went to meet Brian’s parents and Des at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. Brian got a haircut last week (short like I like it) and he shaved that morning (after we got freaky in the shower) and man he was looking sexy! As we were driving to the restaurant I kept looking over at him like, “Damn! My baby is fine!” We got to the restaurant before everyone else, so we let the kids play in the playground at Joes Crab Shack for a little bit. Again, the kids were surprisingly well behaved. Thank goodness!

After lunch, we headed to Wes’s soccer game, but right as we got there my mom called and told me it was delayed. Luckily, there was a Cinco de Mayo thing going on at the Rapids Stadium so we took the kids over and let them play in the bouncy thing and just walked around for awhile before heading over to the soccer field. The game was supposed to start at 3 pm, but it didn’t start until 4 pm. I was bummed because we weren’t going to be able to stay for the whole thing (we needed to leave by 5:15 pm to head back to Greeley). Brian text Amanda and told her the game was delayed and asked if he could drop the kids off a little later, and she actually said yes! I was shocked! The game actually ended up going into 2 overtimes and then to penalty kicks! But Wes’s team won! I was stoked for him, but also kinda bummed because the semi-finals are going to be next Sunday (Mother’s Day) so my mom won’t be able to come to the big brunch we have planned at Yia Yia’s. It’s not so much the day I’m bummed about, but I was supper excited because all of Brian’s family is going to be there, and I wanted our families to meet each other. But I guess we’ll have to do that another time. My mom also made a comment at the game about home Brian is such a great dad, and that is a big thing comnig from my mom. So we dropped the kids off at like 8:30 pm, their aunt came and picked them up. I was actually surprised that Amanda didn’t bitch about it being so late. On the way home I was talking to him about how I really did have a good weekend, and I enjoyed being with the kids, and I think as each weekend goes by it gets better and better. He was pleased. Anyways, we got home around 10 pm and I passed out.

Today: It took ALL the strength in the world to get out of bed this morning! I laid there for a few minutes contemplating calling in, but I knew I shouldn’t push it because I called in once last week, and I took off the Monday the week before, so I dragged my ass out of bed and headed to work. As luck would have it, there was an accident on 470 so I was late. I figured since I was already late I would stop at Starbucks and get a coffee, of course I walked into Starbucks and there was the big boss lady. Shit! I was worried that when she got in she was going to tell my direct-supervisor that I was at Starbucks and I was gonna be in some shit, but I don’t think she said anything. Brian also had his last DV class today. He called and told me that he was bragging about me today; how he’s never been in a relationship like this before, how we have a complete partnership, but we also have each other’s back, so when hard times face us we will pick the other up and carry them on our back through the rough shit. God I love him!!!! He’s doing some work at Irving’s house this afternoon, but he said he might try to get away for a little while to come have lunch with me. I can’t wait to just get off work and go home and make dinner and relax with my hunny for the night! PS - Have I mentioned that I am SO over this freakin job! Agh!

Here are the kids at the park yesterday:



** Crystal **

“For you see, each day I love you more;
today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.”
~ Rosemonde Gerard
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