So I was looking at the calender and realized that it has been over 3 months since I've updated which is sort of a long time considering I usually try to get an update out once every month, and the truth is my progress on 3.9 is not far at all, so I don't even really know when I will actually update. Real life for me is really crazy at this given moment, but motivation is probably more of an issue.
Like I said in my last post, 3.9 was erased when I had pretty much already finished it which was insanely annoying and trying to rewrite it has been a major struggle as I have had no motivation to do so. Another huge issue is gamewise I am ridiculously far ahead to the point where majority of my generation 4 kids are teenagers which storywise the ones that have been born are only babies, so that itself is sort of a problem as writing about something that to me happened months ago is kind of hard because I myself don't find it exciting anymore. Last issue is that 3.9 and 3.10 for that matter are boring chapters in my mind as they cover my least favorite part of any legacy in general, the transitional generation time period, with birthdays, births, and kids galore. I seriously hate writing births and birthdays over and over as they are very repetitive and there are only so many ways one can say OW this hurts or blah blah turned into a beautiful kid and blah blah. My favorite parts to write are always teenage/ college years which I am VERY far from right now unfortunately. To add this 3.11 is going to be a very plotty chapter if I ever get there, and I feel like 3.9 and 3.10 are just somewhat space wasters though in order to get to 3.11 they have to happen so UGH.
I don't know this is just a long boring ramble, but I just wanted to check in say that I haven't completely given up on my legacy or sims for that matter, and I have been playing a little bit, but not all that much. But yeah I'll leave you with a picture of Romeo and Zoe acting like kids which is a very common occurrence for them. :)