Well I've had some spare time today and thought that this would be a good time for me to post on the work of Richelle Mead (
blue_succubus ). I fell in love with the Vampire Academy novels a few months ago after buying the first for my sister. With vampires being so popular recently, I was suprised to find a teen vampire book so interesting and unique, with such a fresh mythology behind the story. I quickly fell in love with the characters and their world. I passed the book on to the librarian at my old high school, who I always got along well with. She put it off as i had at first, but she finally conceded to reading one of the books she had thought of as just another lame addition to this teen vamp trend. By the the time she had read it I had just finished Frostbite. She sent the book back with a letter attached, in which she raved about how much she loved the book and swore that she would order a copy for the Library ASAP. She had finished frostbite the same day I lent it to her and when I went to pick it up again I found that she already had a reserve list going for the series even though the books wouldn't be in for a few months.
I read Shadow Kiss in the holidays, I got so into reading it that I didn't emerge from my room all day and if anyone attempted to interrupt me they were quickly silenced by my hushing, arm gestures or complete ignorance. I was so depressed and excited with the ending that I felt like I had to talk to someone about it. Rather than wait for my sister to finish the book, I dragged her into a quiet room and began to read to her like I used to when she was younger. We got to the end, tears leaving glistening streaks down our faces. I closed the book and shared the tissues that I had ready this time. We had about one minute of silence while we each let the ending sink in before my sister said "I can't believe she did that." Suddenly she exploded in a series of exclamations. At first her rambling thoughts and theories were nothing more than Indecipherable shouts and hand gestures, but soon her words became more coherent and I joined in theorising about character motives and the direction in which the series was headed. We had a few disagreements - My sister had always been a fan of Lissa whilst I always adored Rose, this caused a little conflict when discussing character motives and whether they did the right thing.
I was eager for more, but knowing that I still had a while to wait, I ordered Succubus Blues. I didn't read it immediately, once again I was nervous that it would disappoint, yet my fears proved to be unfounded. I loved the book instantly and can now officially say that Richelle Mead rocks! I would even go so far as to say that she totally kicks ass!!!
I'm pimping her books out to anyone that will listen at the moment and can't wait to get my hands on another.
These are just a couple icons my sis asked me to make for her (I still haven't got any set ideas on my VA cast, so i'm experimenting) -