indecisions that stall life and then more showbiz news

Sep 21, 2016 18:58

And I ended up not really applying for anything yet because I'm indecisive like that but I do know I need a job soon to be officially adulting although that isn't something I'm really good at. I mean, I'm not at all good at adulting, that is. It's just that something came up yesterday while I was browsing the net randomly and found a brand of clothing with a philosophy I can actually get behind with like that of Human Heart Nature's. I guess retail is it, for me, rather than the usual office-type jobs like online tutoring. This brand, Straightforward, as of August 29 this year has been looking for an in store fashion consultant for here and Makati (if I got the job, I'd very much like to be stationed here, for now, at least). I think I don't really mind working in retail and sales, I might end up having to go home late since work like this, especially in-store, tends to get their employees to finish work late (malls close at around 7-8 in the evening here for now, in the weekends, they go until 9 in the evening even or worse, 10) and there's no off days unless it's the holidays where even malls are closed (the weekends of the holy week and the new year). But then again, I don't really know so much about what I'm in for should I be given this job or qualify for it. So who knows? I might be let out early to work on blog stuff on fashionnutcase on an almost daily basis or something like it. Either way, I haven't really sent in my resume yet but it's been spiffed, beefed up-ish and ready to be fired away by email to the address the careers page of the site said to email it to, along with a link to my fashion, lifestyle and travel blog so...yeah. We'll see.

The metro is too dang stressful for me and chaotic and the beach from there is just so far away you'd have to take a really long drive down to wherever (Camarines Sur area or somewhere farther south or the opposite, even high up north to Dagupan and even the Batanes group of islands...) I'm probably crossing off the Human Heart Nature Digital/Social Media Marketing and stuff job off my list of dream jobs in the marketing, sales and retail department. I haven't even mentioned how the traffic in metro up there is crazy. Zalora is also looking for in store fashion consultants like that of Straightforward's but it's on contract basis. I don't mind but again, it's Makati-based and I still don't really like the idea of living in the metro, at all. When it comes to cities here in the Philippines, Cebu City is so far my max strength or tolerance level, at the most.

Off whatsoever and yet still in the same topic, it's kind of funny my mother mentioned when the cousins were here from Saudi Arabia with their 'rents that I once mentioned, when I was a wee toddler, that I wanted to be like the lady next door---a retail employee at a mall, most likely a supervisor of a certain department of it. I find it funny because, right now, I'm actually leaning towards that career choice at the moment.

Staying in a cubicle and working on papers, I think, is something fine for me if I have the weekend off but the office-based tutorial job has weekends off but it's shifting, so...yeah... Frankly, I just want a job that allows me enough time for myself to do stuff I'm interested in like fashion blogging and it's so difficult to find one like it. Originally, I wanted one that would allow me less contact with people as too much people contact usually drain me by the end of the day but granted the tutoring job and this in-store fashion consultant job is all about meeting with people and being around them a lot, actually talking to them on a daily basis...and originally, I did quit my freelance writing job for a change of pace and I guess I have really no choice but to suck things up and do whatever, even if it means I have to say, prostitute myself, fake it so people think I'm actually a very outgoing person just to continue to survive this life and earn much more than usual. Either way, my end goal really is to be able to live on my own stuff (say, maybe a business of some sort since I fancy the thought of owning my own boutique for one, which is a fusion of things) and just, I don't want to stay employed by someone else, some company for years and years to come.

Once again, I'm not really a good role model for young ones to emulate so teaching doesn't seem to really be for me although it's my main undergraduate course. It's also my post-graduate course. I actively avoid it until now no matter the lucrative salary offer. Something about it just so isn't me somehow. I don't really know either.

So in a nut-shell, I'm kind of in a crazy self...thing right now with indecision plaguing me among others so yeah. Life. Then again, it's no surprise everything for me has always been crazy erratic...I mean when we're talking about life and career in general. I've always been flighty whatever the aspect in life and will probably remain so even then. I've grown attuned to this erratic, crazy life I'm leading somehow I don't think anyone can understand what it's like unless they're as crazy as I am.

My mum said when I had my birthday just recently (I don't have the habit of saying how old I am yearly because most of the time, like time itself, I want to keep age and numbers out of sight and out of mind---typical for flighty, young at heart, not really adult-adults like myself---ages but a number to us and it's really just a number among other things) "I hope you'll be more responsible." ....and I don't think I'll ever be really responsible. I can be when needed but in my own time, like now? Hell no. I'm a wild child and a free one even if I'm more of a hermiting homebody than anything, really. I'm still the restrained wild child but I'm going there since I don't know...I'm eh...just boring but sort of, of the free and wild variety. I mean, I think you know what I mean or what I'm getting at here, do you? Yeah, I really don't either. Haha.
Instead of mulling things over last night as I planned to, I ended up flipping over pages of a Vivi mag I have by the bed and then sleeping thereafter, at 11 in the eveing. It was way too early for me but eh...hardly mattered now. I guess I was too tired overthinking stuff and well...stuff.

On the upside, I woke up to news on Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie divorcing. They're far from my favorite Hollywood couple (and deep inside, during the whole Jennifer Anniston-Brad Pitt-Angelina Jolie thing during the Mr. and Mrs. Smith era---never really watched the movie but eh, whatever---I was definitely pulling for Jennifer so I was basically teamJenn back then and until now, just by a bit only) but I wanted to see how the people on Oh No They Didn't reacted to this one, so yeah, I'm currently lurking on there this morning. I opened the page, linked to me by a close friend and confidant on Twitter (thank god for like-minded people in my life~ I love you, kat_desu~ [ @catisneko/ @katistooamused on twitter] <3), to find there are now 50+ pages of comments on there to sift, scan or skim through. Ah, ONTD, you never disappoint me especially when it comes to the point where I need something to amuse myself from breakfast 'til brunch. Really, I'm not too invested in this couple. I'm also surprised people were actually rooting for them to last when they know nothing really lasts ong in tinseltown/Hollywood. The only Hollywood couples I like at the moment are Sarah Michelle Gellar-Prinze and Freddie Prinze Jr., Eva Mendes and Ryan Gosling (plus their now-two baby girls because they such an adorable family not getting papped much~ The more private the hollywood couple, the more I like them, actually), and Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas.

I actually low-key stan some celeb relationships/couples but only really if I like the two involved in the relationship personality-wise or maybe if there's just one of them I like. As for Brad and Angie, I like neither, personality-wise but I'm willing to be objective about some of the films and stuff they've made over the years. Then again, I'm not usually a fan of mainstream movies so I'm usually meh over their movies---past movies like Angie's Girl Interrupted and Tomb Raider, I guess I could get behind, but I haven't been a fan of the more recent ones unless they were/are really, really good.

(my screen shot)
Seriously this, though?!?!?! LOL and RIP CNN's credibility as an international household name for everything important news.

Oh and by the by, the headline today on ABS-CBN's TV Patrol news program on the Jolie/Pitt divorce case is 'walang forever' (lit. translation: 'there is no forever' or 'forever doesn't exist'). And I'm like, you know, it's Hollywood. It's not surprising for that to be the case there. I quickly sort of noped out of the news program downstairs as I've been drowing in Delima and supporting senators vs Duterte, Cayetano and supporting senators are quickly becoming too messy for me to take and follow. I'm aware this would make me look like I'm cold and unconcerned about local politics but seriously? I don't really like politics all that much. It's...messy and chaotic by far. I care more for social causes and issues than I do political issues, to be honest.

At least Atsuki (a-X's) update on twitter is adorably relieving enough to take my mind away from all the politics on television/the local news. That one is good tonight. Also, I was totally just geeking out on the 3 to 5-episode marathon of season 2 of Brookly Nine Nine's on Jack TV tonight prior to the national news program on tv. So, so fun~ I'm definitely coming off as a couch potato on here now but it's really no suprirse either I'm like that. lol.


local news, hollywood biz, hw couple: brangelina, just being me myself and i, i am indecisive i am, overthinking, overthinking is my worst habit, life, whatever floats my boat, hollywood, not really a rant, random

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