on switching allegiances among other things

May 31, 2015 13:08

Life updates...I still have a few things to finish regarding MA thesis. I already did graduate on the 17th this month. I just need to produce 3 copies of the hardbound, finalized MA thesis for archiving purposes. Thus, perhaps, I'll get back to being busy from today until tomorrow...or Tuesday. It depends on how long it will take me to finish this thing and then receive it back from the thesis adviser. I'm due to go back to Dumaguete City when I've had my thesis corrected by the adviser and all. Yep, busy next few days again, starting with a Sunday. After that, it's job hunting time. We'll see what happens by then. There are still a few more things up on my date book including a trip to Manila with the dad and brother...but I don't really know much about that either yet. Next year, summer, will be pretty crazy, I suppose. It all starts with a month off to do something...something. I'll divulge things when they become final. Nothing's set yet.

Anyway, in a nutshell, I'm back to phase 0 - deciding on whatever's to come next. Also, in real time, I'm currently sick with colds so bear with me a bit... I'm probably coming through well as a grouch at this time around the people I live with... *sorryyyyy!!!*

I also hardly hang outside because at this time, I feel like I need a new set of friends considering the people I'm closest to are currently out of the city. ;A; It's basically, the only reason I don't have a life at this point in time. Finding people with similar interests I have isn't exactly a walk in the park especially now that everyone else is busy moving on with their lives and I feel like I'm still stuck in the middle of nowhere after having worked at home for so long (which pretty much diminished my circle of friends).

On a rather higher, more positive note, I went on a sabbatical from everything internet-related last weekend to Camiguin Island with the dad and his colleagues at the physical rehab center. Highlight of it was the half day I spent under the sun and by the sand and surf in two smaller islands: White Island and Mantigue Island. Needless to say, I want to go back!!! ;A; Or, you know, I can take another sabbatical some other time somewhere in Medina when I'm free enough to use one of the cars at home. My brother currently monopolizes them so I can't drive anything else out. Either way, I have nowhere to go ever I got to use them...and my parking skills still suck.

But when a lot of things change, there is something that remains constant: fandom. Eh? What else is there for/to me, anyway? Nope. I still don't have a shrine to my jidols or something like it. I haven't gone to that deep end yet and won't go into that end any day either. (My head is still attached to my neck, thanks, and I like it that way.)

Ah, regarding my social media accounts...since I focus so much more on real life now, I'm only semi-active on twitter, mostly my flailing account: @kg_0917. Not so active on tumblr unless there's something I need to post on there. I'd still update things from time to time. I just can't guarantee consecutive days of being online on twitter or some other anymore these days. I don't have an aversion to social media granted I don't have a facebook account anymore for 4-5 years now or so but it's, more like I have other things to put my energies into other than broadcasting my whole life online.

Anyway, fandom...yep, fandom updates.

In case you missed the memo, I've gone a full 360 degree-turn in terms of Jpop fandom stanning. Instead of dividing my flailing time going to and from Amuse, Avex and Ebidan among other jimushous in Japan and those that make up the Japanese entertainment machinery, I've now turned into a full-time Avex groups' stan. Not so much on AAA - I still love their inter-member dynamics - but more on Dream5, Da-iCE and the new-ish one called lol (エルオーエル). You can look into it on my flailing twitter account's newly revamped profile. I still do like Ebidan but being just an agency comprising of groups made up of boys and men...well, it's become somewhat boring a dynamic to look into and decipher for me. Da-iCE is enough a boys' group to stan for me since Vimclip's demise a couple of weeks ago or so. I'm currently more interested in the coed groups coming out of Avex like lol (エルオーエル). I'm also pretty sure this group is not the last coed one to come out from Avex so I'm just camping around here to see what else the agency/company comes up with...

Considering I've been closely following lol (エルオーエル), Dream5 and Da-iCE lately on twitter, on instagram and even their Line accounts and Ameblo blogs...and considering how I am far more updated with their activities than I am of others' I usually tweet or flail about everywhere...I guess you could say this sort of switch of fandom allegiances was coming sooner or later. I'd still post about Ebidan groups once in a while and maybe some actors from various jimushos that I like but I'm shifting focus to Avex groups from here on out. This is most likely in time for Avex's upcoming Asia Progress event set on August 6 this year but well, not really as Avex groups, in general, will be littering this blog from this time on.

Wrapped around in Dream5's little fingers...
Ah, this was coming. Has anyone ever seen their 2014 TIF con and their 5th Anniversary Live (2014) at Zepp Tokyo? They've grown up quite well...is all I have to say. I'm only waiting for their sound to mature some more and then for them to transition into AAA 2.0. Alas, I can only hope for their music style to stabilize like Da-iCE's and lol but it's not going to happen and I'm pretty sure they are going in AAA's direction musically. That's a disappointment to me because AAA never had a signature sound they can be consistent with unlike Da-iCE. If there's anything Dream5 is being good at, it's them being a kids group and living up to it by releasing Yokai Taisou Daijin.

That aside, I'm kind of currently tempted to get their first stylebook that was just recently released. That is, if there are still some copies left. Notice though that it's a Stylebook and not necessarily a photobook. Like what was done with AAA, it seems that Avex is taking precautions over Dream5's image as a coed group of 1 boy and 4 girls. They already have a no romantic love between members or no dating between members clause in their contracts like perhaps what AAA has so releasing a group photobook over a stylebook is a risk Avex is not willing to take on Dream5. Also, AAA never did release any photobook (or even a Dream5-esque Stylebook) as a group which is, I think, overdue for AAA. This is actually what I really like about Avex's coed groups and how they are managed, especially with how their image is being handled: it's the conservative talent over shallow facevalue marketing ploy that's somewhat similar to LDH's girl groups Flower, E-girls, Dream, etc. I'm currently just...contemplating this seeing as I have Da-iCE first album as #1 on my to-buy list for now...

Waiting for my Da-iCE 1st photobook to arrive...
Hopefully, it won't be any longer now. ;A; I can't wait to see its contents. I don't have a scanner so I won't be posting scans of it online. The Da-iCE fandoms on tumblr might already have them up, though. At this point, when I do get a job eventually a couple months or so later, I might have to spend my first salary on their first album. lol. That and probably something else useful from their official store.

That new Avex coed group called lol (エルオーエル)...
lol or エルオエル...yep, I know. I have about -1 percent knowledge of or awareness of what that abbreviation means. A friend on twitter mentioned it'd be 'lots of love' but knowing Avex's weird naming sense - AAA as an abbreviation for Attack All Around for example - I'm not going to assume anything...yet...anyway. Ah yes, a new group that just started their activities this year. Also, they're a coed group comprising of 2 guys: Naoto and Yusuke and 3 girls: Moca, Hibiki and Honoka. So far, their music - Fire and Heartbeat - is pretty decent, I do hope they keep up this music style and Avex doesn't mess it up like they did and continue to do with AAA and Dream5. Their dancing is fierce. Their fashion is fierce. And, I assume, they're following Da-iCE's example in terms of music judging from a tweet their staff outted earlier that had them hanging out with White Jam's male singer (songwriter and producer). Here's to hoping that Avex doesn't mess up this group like they did and continue to do Dream5 and AAA. The former doesn't, yet, have any signs of a beautifully smooth transition from a kids' group to a more grown up one even when I think it's high time they went through that.
Also, lol (エルオーエル) just had their single release. Apart from Da-iCE's first album, this might be the second on my to-buy hitlist when I get a job and a stable source of income. Dream5's Stylebook will have to come last. ;A; Yep, priorities...haha.

There's not much to tell about lol (エルオーエル) because they're (hyper) active on twitter. You can follow them on their staff twitter, their individual twitter accounts, Hibiki's ameblo blog and even Honoka's instagram account if you want updates on their activities. As for the basics: they were formed for the anime, Tribe Cool Crew (also has a twitter account). They sing its ending, I think - Heartbeat. They're comprised of people already within Avex's walls: Yusuke is a 2013 auditionee, Naoto was at one time a member of aLovaL Boys West with Nagae Ryoki - from the MTK period where Dream5 was also founded, Hibiki is an auditionee for Tokyo Girls Collection and therefore a model...I'm not sure where Honoka and Moca comes in yet. We'll see as they progress as a group some more this year.

All three groups have their own Line accounts as well. If you'd like to be updated on every social media platform regarding these groups' activities/whereabouts, then follow them everywhere? If I'm not mistaken, they have facebook accounts as well. They're infinitely easier to follow and interact with compared to those from other agencies. It's the other thing I like about Avex's groups apart from being insanely talented enough to carry their wholesome image through.

On another note but still connected to the Avex fandom...does it seem like a lot of actors from the said agency are becoming even more active in the other constant fandom in my life: tokusatsu?! The current pink Ninninger is from Avex.

I'm still following both tokusatsus: Kamen Rider Drive and Shuriken Sentai Ninninger, of course. I don't have stable internet connection in my room so I only download these once a week. I haven't been following any Jfilm, SPs - the last I fawned over was 461 ko no Arigato - or Jdrama recently except for Kokoro ga Pokitto ne which seems to be ending. I haven't even updated with the latter yet because my laptop is running out of space for it. I have a ton of unwatched completed Jdramas though. They have no subs but I don't really mind. I'll probably marathon Naze Tōdōin Seiya 16-sai wa Kanojo Dekinai no ka sometime soon. As to when, I'm not really sure yet. I haven't been too active recently when it comes to watching films and dramas. I did drown myself in on the kdrama, Marriage without Love or Marriage not Love late last week, though. There's really not much to write about these yet. Maybe next time when something really grips me hard. So far, nothing has come out on top which is...pretty...sad and probably telling of how the Japanese creativity has gone down when it comes to producing entertaining jdramas and stuff. :(

I'll try my best to be more active in the jfandom some other time especially when it comes to fawning over jactors but it seems, to me, lately that I find artists easier to follow hence why I wallow in the Avex groups' fandoms. Their music releases are so much more easier to follow year in and year out compared to the projects my favorite actors have. I don't think I even have a favorite actor or actress anymore. I just go by with whatever it is I see from my downloads.

As for the western fandom...

I'm going to marathon The Flash to the end later when I'm free-er. And by that, I mean when I'm fully done with the thesis. I haven't updated myself on Gotham yet. I'm currently waiting for Supergirl to come on and Melissa Bennoist to bomb her role as Kara...and because the series also has Aly McBeal's Calista Fockhart I'm currently stanning this one so hard. I haven't caught up to the recent episodes of Stalker yet. As for films...I missed to watch Mad Max in the theaters. I will continue to miss it. I will probably watch the new Jurassic Park flick...with the brother dear no less, before he leaves for Manila for school in the Ateneo. I'm still dying to watch the Age of Adaline but I haven't gone out of the house for awhile so... (I'm also not going out much because I'm conserving money for a last trip to Dumaguete and back coming soon.) Lastly, I may or may not watch the new Fantastic Four...we'll see as I want to see how Kate Mara does there as Sue Storm, one of my favorite Marvel females.

And that's about it for my life updates. Does it seem like a lot? Eh? Ok.


jpop. band: lol (エルオエル), jimushou: avex, jpop culture, updates, life, jpop. band: da-ice, i'm still alive post, jpop. band: dream5, jpop, fandom

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