twenty one five

Jan 07, 2015 19:10

Hi, 2015!

It's been awhile since I last set foot here owing maybe to the fact that I'm too busy with trying to finish the masters - even though it looks somewhat impossible until now...thanks for making my life miserable, master's thesis - and partly because I don't really have any stable internet connection on most days.

On Resolutions
I remember a year ago today, at the start of 2014, that I had a number of New Year's resolutions. This year, I have none. At all. Why? It's because I've decided they're not really that useful. While it is true that starting anew at the beginning of a pristine new year is ideal or it's been the practice of most of us, the thing I find is that these changes we want to impose on ourselves do not really stick for long. At the middle of the year, we would be back with our own ways right before the new year started. Aside from that, change is something that's difficult to impose on ourselves most of the time. Sure, there are some habits, thinking and such we can change in the blink of an eye but it would take time to change most of the things that make up what we are individually. I'm off of resolutions for now more because useless than because they are overrated and yes, they are too overrated I'm already pretty much tired of them.

2014 did not really start all that well for me and it's not ending well either especially the 2014-2015 school year. More pressure from everyone among others. I'm at the verge of hating everything and everyone yet I somehow still try to keep calm so I don't burst on anyone at home or in school among others. This is what I signed up for anyway.

The rest of 2015 from today onwards will be even more hectic until March or May this year and I only hope to get through it, quick and painless but I doubt it. I very much doubt it. More blood will be shed, I suppose.

This year, however, as early as now, I've already resolved to keep my focus on real life. Less internet, less social media, more responsible use of social media, more work on the online business and the blog and of course, on the attempt to finish school somehow. Hopefully, I do tie things up nicely soon.

And here's to more of life in 2015! I'm going to continue being sparse everywhere online, I don't already have any Facebook account to begin with...


2015, love, update, new year, personal post, updates, start of the new year post, life, me myself and i, i am still alive, whatever, your usual i am still alive and breathin, random

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