That Radio Show/Dream5 (fanfic)

Sep 02, 2013 13:30

Sorry, I didn't seem to have a moment to run through this fanfic with the intent of proofreading it. I know, I fail as a writer mostly. LOL.

That Radio Show
Fandom: Dream5
Pairing: Shigemoto Kotori-Takano Akira
Length: One-shot
Rating: G
Contains: UST, mostly and fuwa-fuwa feelings between these two...sort of.

Disclaimer: If I was in the marketing/image team for Dream5, I'd've made Kotori-Akira come true for fandom's sake but I'm not so I'm only into making fanfics about them. *sobs* (if I were their manager, though, I'd love to be a fly on the wall for Koto-Aki stuff... ... ... ... *crickets* I know, creepy and weird so let's not go there.)

note: basically inspired by that one show Momona, Akira and Kotori did that's posted on youtube. Search up on yt if you're not too lazy. :3

To pretty Shigemoto Kotori, the only boy in their dance and vocal unit, Takano Akira, was off limits to any girl---including the pretty radio announcer/DJ sitting beside him. “Akira, Akira, Shin-chan, stop it,” she blurted out at one point when the pretty DJ was complimenting Akira right across her and she thought, no, sensed that they were about to…well…flirt. Knowing Takano Akira by working with him 24/7, the boy was an easy charmer and could talk smoothly to any girl---and he’s been working with her and the three other girls (Hibi Mikoto, Ohara Yuuno and Tamakawa Momona) for about 3 or 4 years now.

In this particular radio show, they were in kimonos and a yukata. It was also in their job description to promote clothing which includes traditional Japanese clothing in various media forms, radio shows being one of them. Of course, the DJ had to compliment the 16-year-old adorable, cute boy in his yukata and go further and…Shigemoto Kotori shook her head to ward off the image of the two flirting with one another.

So cut to backstage, when the show had ended…

Tamakawa Momona, oblivious to everything that was happening, approached Kotori sensing her friend and colleague’s distress. “Kotori-chan, are you alright?” She tapped the absent-minded girl on her shoulder.

“I uh…” Kotori did seem disturbed by something. She was wondering what would have happened had she not stopped Shin-chan from flirting with Akira.

The door to the dressing room Akira had been using opened and Tamakawa Momona felt Kotori stiffen. The boy only stared quizzically at the girls when they gave him one wary look and one accusatory look. What was it with girls and their confusing moods anyway? He’d been with them for three to four years and although they’re good friends, he still could never understand the female species---they were basically like aliens to him after years of being with them and working with them.

“Momona-chan, Akira-kun, Koto…” Shin-chan had emerged from the booth, wanting to say goodbye to them when she sensed the awkward atmosphere. She was thinking back to their time together and wondering if she was at fault at this current, electricity-filled atmosphere.

Momona moved to where Shin-chan was and elbowed the girl in the ribs gently. “Welcome to Dream5 land where Kotori and Akira would always have fights…well, not always.” She said to Shin-chan quietly, still eyeing the two.

“They like each other, don’t they?” No wonder Kotori told Akira off of the flirty banter with her. It all made sense to Shin-chan, now.

“We’re trying to keep their “relationship” (if you could call it that) under wraps.” Momona replied.

Despite the many “what did I do wrong this time?” thoughts in Akira’s head running around it at the moment, he opted for the safest route and flashed a small, shy smile at Kotori. “Let’s go say goodbye and thank you to the radio station crew?” He also held out a hand to her.

“Idiot…” Kotori said more to herself than to him because she knew deep inside she was getting upset for nothing. Akira wasn’t going to go away and flirt with some other girls as he was just not that type. Or is he? (Not really when he likes Kotori back without anyone else but them knowing about it.) Kotori felt the smile back on her face as she took his hand. It was easy for them to get back to getting along well. Dream5’s only boy is a charmer after all.

And with that, the three members of the unit along with their manager said their goodbyes to the station crew and the DJ for the show.

Yay, first fanfic post. :D A treat to people in the Dream5 fandom and those who like the KotoAki pairing like me. Except this is something I made entirely for myself because no one would spoil me with any KotoAki fanfics. (*looks at Dream5 fans for support complete with kitty-pleading-eyes, please spoil me with more KotoAki fanfics? I'm at a drought and may seem to have hit a wall with these two.*)

Constructive criticism are welcomed, please no flames...? /sobs. Cookies from the KotoAki fandom if you fangirl or squeal at how cute these two are with me :D

Updates, fandom-wise:

Celtic Thunder - been on this for quite awhile for Damian McGinty. I'm borderline disappointed he's tried out for TGP when I think that's one show that's short lived that's also not as big as the X-Factor (US and UK), American Idol and even The Voice. And Glee writers had to mess up/mishandle Rory Flannaghan, too. I stopped watching Glee around season 2 because it is just one show that I think is not the best on TV now. (I'm not over how they treated Finn-Rachel for the first 2 seasons...). The only thing I like about Glee now is the performances---they should've just turned this one into a variety show. Ugh, Damo, please just go back to CT and well, be bffs and bros with Emmet and Colm and age your 'uncles' (Neil, Keith, Ryan and George) into grandpas? Please? Also, bring Daniel Furlong with you. Also, Disney and Nickelodeon. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I'm still bummed about the premature demise of Big Time Rush but I'm getting over it. I'm about to give up on Damian (can't get over how blinding Hollywood is to most aspiring actors when it sucks most of the time by giving a lot of inconsistent stuff to audience. Rarely do you find gems there to watch, to be honest.) but not Celtic Thunder since they're still as adorable as ever. And I've had a weak spot for Irish folk music since the Corrs' Home album.

Batman in Man of Steel 2 - Ben Affleck. Seriously, DC, stop it. And Warner Bros, too. I'm jumping ship to Marvel's Avengers now because JOSS WHEDON. Affleck just does not reek of Bruce Wayne and Batman to me because he can't seem to hide himself under such personas (Heath Ledger is tons better than he is as an actor, imo). Why the fucking downgrade from Bale to Affleck? (Nolan-verse Batman/Dark Knight is too unforgettable at this stage to be tarnished.) Oh and someone please give me a treat and make a Red Robin series with Tim Drake's brilliant character? I demand TIM DRAKE!

Bates Motel - I'd like to catch up on a lot and I think nerdy-psychotic Freddie Highmore!teenaged-Norman Bates is too sweet to pass up. Of course, I love Vera Farmiga, too. :3

Oh and who else is excited about S.H.I.E.L.D.S.? I think Joss will kill it at the helm. Reminds me, I really need to get on Arrow because Green Arrow! :D

Why am I not bulleting all of these?


tamakawa momona, dream5, fanfiction, takano akira, fandom: dream5, ship: kotoaki, avex, shigemoto kotori, what if

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