Ouran, so far (main focus: OHSC episode 6)

Sep 11, 2011 03:02

So...when was the last time I flailed like mad on a Jdorama? It might have been the SPEC era which was two seasons ago because I loved Ninomae there. But...don't worry, I haven't stopped flailing. I've just been busy with school and work though I haven't really started on the new task (for the freelance writing work) because I'm flailing on Ouran's Episode 6 instead. Yep, the twins' fight. I did mention at the start of my Ouran flailings I am a fan of the twins here. No one could make a more perfect Hikaru, Kaoru Hitachiin on live action than these two twins, Takagi Shinpei and Manpei. If there was to be another...that'd be in another decade or so.

Anyway, Ouran so far...if you think I'm still in episode 6, think again. I'm not that slow or stuck up as you think I am---I did get late on watching Arakawa Under the Bridge which is equally as pretty as Ouran but that's because I am not really into the Arakawa anime (if there is one) and manga. I'm waiting for episode 8 to finish on my torrent because I'd missed it on TBS' live airing via Keyhole last Friday night (it's already Sunday, technically, so Friday was two nights ago or it was just a night ago?).

Episode 6 has to be my favorite because it's focused on the twins. Some of episode 5, particularly the ending---yes, that part where the twins with the rest of the host club mocked Tamaki for being the S&M king complete with cat ears and chains on *kya!! kawaii!-says the fangirl inside me*---was also quite...interesting. Amusing, really.

And without further ado, my record breaking 50 screencaps of this episode. Not to worry, I'm not going to bring them all out. This would be too pic-heavy then for a post. Placed them under LJ cut because this might be one pic-heavy post when not LJ-cut-ed.

One of my favorite scenes. It's never good to get in between twins who are annoyed and bored. Nekozawa-senpai learned that too late. XD They look mean here but I like how in the anime, they connived to do this to Nekozawa-senpai. XD Yes, they are murderers, Nekozawa-senpai. XD

(my screencaps)

And when Haruhi makes that blunt comment...the war between the Hitachiins (Takagis) begin...one thing I can comment, though, this would have been lovely if they added he bit about Hikaru going to Kaoru's room so they could sleep together. Could they get any more BL-ish in the anime than that? But of course, I suspect they can never bring that out in the liveaction. The management ought to mind the kiddies watching although this show starts midnight. LOL

Tamaki apparently did not learn from what happened to Nekozawa-senpai when he came between the twins. And yes, that's our favorite idiot Tono (King of the host club) thrown by the feuding (blood) brothers. That blurred projectile that you see in the second cap.

They did not go with the blue and pink hair idea but I did get the dumb blonde reference. That was mean, Kaoru.

And look where it got you. They even got Haruhi caught in the middle of it. Yes, they fight, with guns. I think it's difficult to have them throw things at one another especially when Hani-senpai and Tamaki are heavy (and delicate) projectile...err...people.

And WHO in their right mind who loves the twins as much as I do would forget this scene? Utterly unforgettable and precious, yo! Perfect synchronicity. I wonder how many takes they did to perfect this one? Oh and yes, Daito did say these two synchronize when they sleep in real life. So much love, you two, Shinpei and Manpei <3. I particularly like that part in the anime where they fight with one another with gritted teeth. XD They were definitely gritting their teeth on this one as the girls around them clapped at their synchronization. LOL. I would be as amazed, too, if I bore witness to it. XD

Renge, the otaku makes a short insert scene and even had the girls taking notes. This is the BL otaku, yes? Yes.

And so they take it out, outside. They even run out of ammunition but apparently, they didn't run out of...

....traps. I want to pity the idiot Tamaki here but I just can't. This is too precious a scene for me. And yes, that is a torpedo.

Apparently, there's use for the skills Yamamoto Yusuke learned from filming the jdrama, Tumbling. =.=U

But his tumbling skills apparently weren't enough to avoid this. The twins are brilliant. XD NOBODY and I mean NOBODY escapes them unless they---the twins---actually pity people and let them get away with annoying them. XD (Basically why I love the twins.)

Tamaki gets mad, demands who set up the trap that were so dubiously aimed at him---deep inside, the twins actually wanted to eliminate Tamaki (which is just in my head, really) trolololol!---and yet, the twins answer in full synchrony.

The IDIOT Tamaki, true to being who he is an idiot still goes near the twins. Does this guy ever LEARN? Apparently, no.

Look where that led him. Tamaki steps on another trap and yes, he DANCES! DANCES! Kekekekeke...I love twins torturing Tamaki yes? Yes.

Up above, Tamaki does a full routine of 30-second ballet. That isn't tumbling or gymnastics anymore, Yusuke-kun, that's BALLET. But Tamaki still doesn't learn or DOES he?

Well said and well done, Kaoru, Hikaru, I applaud you. And revere you. LOL at Tamaki. Deep inside, I'm a sadist, no, really. I like Tamaki to suffer for some reason. This has always been my feelings for him since I got into the manga and the anime. He's that character you'd like to die but come back to life or dodge those shots aimed at him so he could rectify himself towards the end of the story.

And...all's well the ends well. Look what you get when you have brilliant gorgeous twins who have too mucht time on their hands?

It was all a scripted ploy so they could get Haruhi to admit them into her wee commoner home because they are bored. And because they are at peace with one another, so begins the MANDATORY TWINCEST.

Now, while these two are celebrating their moment of peace err...the success of their plans for the demise of those who cross them...let's see what the other members of the host club has to say about them, ne?

First, we have Kyouya.

But  I have to agree with Mori-senpai because I doubt the rest of the club members could ever get the twins to not get too much time on their hands. It's difficult to get them occupied. They'll always be plotting to kill the next one that cross them *looks at Tamaki*

And the one that was the target of all the traps the twins set up, it's too bad none of it got to him got dragged along.

Dear Hitachiin Hikaru-sama and Hitachiin Kaoru-sama, please, JUST, please say you'd like to adopt Haruhi so you three can sleep in that big, lovely bed you share with one another in your mansion.

All's well that ends well. I actually lied. I brought out a third or about half of the screencaps I made. They were all too shiny and lovely and now I lost a night's sleep to put this up. My love for the Hitachiin Takagi twins knows no bounds. Ouran, ufufufufufu, you are indeed the best liveaction jdorama to grace TBS' screen/Japanese TV to date.

And more spoilers...stop here if you have yet to see the 7th episode. I warned you...so don't say I didn't.

Episode 7 was...all kinds of epic. The okama-oto-sama, the scorned-by-would-be-father-in-law lover slash idiot who thought of Haruhi as his own daughter can someone kill him for me, please? Hikaru? Kaoru? KYOUYA? and the meddling Ouran Host Club kids at the supermarket. Can't this series be any more PERFECT? Kanpeki! I say, KANPEKI! Oh and yes, I didn't like episode 3, so screw me. I thought episode 2 was all kinds of weak, too, because they didn't have Tamaki call the others "Homo-homo nyoin" (Homo-homo side characters) and only had the twins trick him into cosplaying as Haruhi. XD It was still epic in all proportions although not as much as the recent episodes.

Who could forget the beach episode? AKA Episode 5? It's LEGENDARY. I love the Mori pun and the S&M reference. They even had the twins wear cat ears. CAT EARS!!!! Now, where can I get my pair of twins plus cat ears? Penultimate BL-ship and twincest, anyone?

Perfect series is perfect and thus requires a movie. And yes, they are releasing a what?! A MOVIE! They deserve it, these bbies who try so hard to emulate the BL-ish twins that they practice the flirting scenes at home to make sure the drama is as close to the anime and manga as possible. I now dread the next episode to 7 because I missed last Friday's live airing. I'll check on it later, when I've had enough sleep.

Another series I'm watching this season is Arakawa Under the Bridge. It's another midnight jdorama and it's as short as Ouran but just as epic because of the lovely Kiritani Mirei and equally lovely Hayashi Kento. Who knew the kappa was Oguri Shun? That escaped me. I fail in recognizing one of my favorite Japanese actors, to be honest. I wouldn't have known it was Oguri until Kento called him by his name in the extra part of the first episode. Epic fail is failtastic. Pardon my word-creating spree. It's almost 3 a.m. so I'm pretty much incoherent like this although I may still be writing like I am someone who is sane. I nearly forgot Shirota Yu as the sister in Arakawa. It's chocful of loveliness, yo~ And both are TBS productions.

To be quite honest, I ended up never finishing Futsumen---other than Nakamura Aoi, I don't see anymore sense in continuing it this season since I can't tolerate what has been done better two to three years back tarnished by a completely new cast and I never got to Ikemen Desu Ne. Why? Mainly because I thought everything about it is cliche-ish. Including the original You're Beautiful which I'd only seen in parts because my housemates back home were watching it dubbed in Tagalog. And add the fact that Tamamori disturbs be no matter how much I love Kisumai. Fujigaya was tolerable in the drama, IMO. Gender bender ideas are always cliched unless there's a different take to it like adding the harem-ic theme for example as a secondary theme to it. Between Ouran, Futsumen and Ikemen Desu Ne, I'll say Ouran has the edge. It's definitely fresh and it's the right drama this season to be in because the anime and the manga were well-known before it got adapted into the TV sceens.

So, so. I had better sleep before I get any more insane. Wait! Halt! Stop! Stop. Relax. Episode 8 is coming~~~ Yes, it is~~~ It's already at 77%. But I'll save that for later. It's not too late to catch up with this one, actually. And it isn't even next week yet when episode 9 would then be released. But damn it! I want to know what episode 8 is all about~~~

Okay, I'm sleeping. Good night, y'all. Early-ish morning tomorrow because I have work to complete for the morning and then a mass to attend to despite the marathon that's happening around the Cathedral area as hinted by my room mate. I just. NEED. SLEEP. Until the next Ouran flaily post then. Ufufufufufu...a sidenote: Dori is a fitting user picture for me to use, to be quite honest, for this one.


musings, jactor: daito shunsuke, jdorama: ouran high school host club, jactor: yudai chiba, life, review, jactor: takagi shinpei, fangirl, jactor: takagi manpei, jactor: yamamoto yusuke, flailing, jpop, random, fangirling

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