weekend watch: chou den-o episodes blue and yellow

Jan 07, 2011 13:09

Instead of a random photo spam, the sort of themed one I usually do---or I think I do that, anyway----I'm doing a few reviews. Or call it a list of must-watch or suggestions on what to watch on weekends. It's just the Chou Den-O and Japanese tokusatsu edition. Really just two episodes, Blue and Yellow, of the recently released Chou Den-O movies I really, really liked. Enjoy it, too, ne? This weekend?

Chou Den-O Episode Blue

(my screencaps)
Now Sato Takeru might not have reprised his roles for the new Den-O movies out but we get Mizoguchi Takuya anyway. He's also in Amuse (for those who would like to know and those who are mainly Amuse-baised like yours truly), apparently. His profile is at the official site. Add him to the four Takuyas that appeared on the recent The Game Boy's Film Show now and you get confusion galore. But really, this guy is easily distinguishable. He seems to be following the footsteps of senpai!Kamiki Ryunosuke now as, even at such a young age, he has a movie coming out that's directed by famed director, Takashi Miike. Kamiki had his time with Takashi on Yokai Daisenso and even then he was younger than Takuya.

I often dub said director as the Quentin Tarantino of the Japanese biz for the slew of gore-filled movies---which I'd avoided no matter how much of a genius they were---he's done. I think I had enough of Quentin Tarantino's Hostel via accidental watching for lack of interesting movies to watch with some friends at the time it was out. I'm a western movie junkie aside from loving anything interesting that Japan releases, apparently. It was a fatal mistake on my part (who can't take anything with such graphic-ity). Hostel is your typical American teen/early 20s movie that combines Amsterdam-fascination, porn or sex, blood and gore. (Added info to anyone who's interested in dabbling in that kind of world). I was or am never a fan of anything gory but I think I'm still watching Inglorious Basterds sometime when I can stomach it. My inner, natural humantiarian-ist nature tells me often to avoid those things. (I even cringe reading such things on history books and web pages, to be honest.)

I like Takashi's recent films however. Those that have been aimed at younger audiences. He does have the natural ability that Quentin has at doing something completely different from the usual gore and porn. I loved Tarantino for the CSI episode he directed ages ago. Remember the one where Nick Stokes played victim? That one. Similarly, I love Takashi for doing younger audience-aimed movies like Yokai Daisenso (Yokai/Monster Wars) and the one that's about to get a release with amazing child actors and Mizoguchi Takuya. Okay, now how did we get into talking about directors from Chou Den-O Episode Blue? Uhmn...it's the boring side of me fascinated with filmography. Don't mind the useless babble.

Back to Chou Den-O, you might recall him playing younger!Ryotaro in the first Den-O movie with the villain rider Gaoh. But he's older now and definitely has as much the acting chops as Takeru has. If that doesn't make you want to watch his movies, I'm not sure what else can. He's definitely one of those who's turning into one charming, talented actor. The type I'd call a natural.

In Episode Blue, we get a wayward imagin that grants the wish of a girl who wants to spend time with her deceased grandmother even if it means meeting with her past self and eventually erasing herself when she goes back to her original time.

It's called Episode Blue because of the Kotaro-Teddy storyline. Episode Blue rotates around the relationship between Kotaro and his imagin, Teddy which is quite a good match because Kotaro doesn't exactly match with his grandpa's (Ryotaro's) Taros. If you watch the movie, you'll understand it eventually. We do know from the Saraba Countdown movie that Kotaro is from the future and is Ryotaro's grandson there. He inherited his grandfather's amazing ability to attract bad luck which is the common hilarious point of this special.
Now, obligatory pic spam? This is another one of those image heavy posts I often do but I'll try not to add a lot of weight to this one.

 Grandfather and grandson are definitely agreeing their luck gets a tad more worse once in a week or month than in any other normal day. Probably one of my favorite scenes.

Folks at the Milk Dipper appear in this special. They're definitely as fun as they were in the series, ne?

Am I a sadist or do I really just enjoy the scenes on the movie where Kotaro runs into the worst of luck? Ara...he twitches cutely XD after making a dent on a sign. I definitely loved those parts. They're hilarious. And cute Dori is a good luck-less Dori or Kotaro. Whichever works.

Needless to say, we get to see adorable Sakurada Dori and his utter love for Teddy in this episode. And Mizoguchi Takuya. And the Taros and there's useless!Sieg and...we can go on and on forever but let's stop there. There's still Episode Yellow to tackle. But I should say that Episode Blue is epic win for having humor and seriousness and angst balanced well which is a Den-O trademark.

Chou Den-O Episode Yellow
Episode Yellow of the Chou Den-O series of specials is a cross between the Den-O universe and the Decade one. You don't see Tsukasa and co. here but you do see happy-go-lucky thief, Kaito Daiki. (Even his name says 'thief'---kaitou XD)

It's called Episode Yellow, and I found this out after reading on the special, because of the specks of yellow on Daiki's DiEnd driver. This should mean that the story revolves around Daiki and it definitely does.

In here, Daiki is trying to correct a mistake he'd done in the past when he was stealing a treasure at one time. He makes a contract with an imagin only to meet Ryotaro and execute his plan. Random note: he's a pretty excellent thief, Daiki. XD Ryotaro and the Taros and the rest of the Denliner crew get roped into Daiki's plans and together, they run into the Time Police. It turns out that Daiki had something to settle with the Time Police. Urataros gets fascinated with Daiki and decides to help him along with Ryotaro. The other three Taros seem to take a dislike on Daiki, however. Either way, this bonds Rotaro and Daiki together which in turn fascinated me. Their interactions were the best in this special. But then they're short. But then you see that in some way, Ryotaro understands Daiki the way he understands Urataros. And because I don't want to spoil anything to those who haven't seen it, just watch the show to find out the whole story, ne?
Obligatory picspam part two.

Like I said, Daiki's a brilliant thief Momotaros ends up calling Daiyokushin (great greed). He took the Denliner pass under everyone's nose, unsuspected and quick.

Hijiki salad makes its appearance in a long while. XD

A~ke~te~ke?~~ Love Daiki's prettiness err...expression. Kimito prettiness is always approved! <3

Poor Ryotaro gets teamed by the Taros to jump from the prison floor's window.

Momo falls...and falls...and falls faster than the others.

While Ryotaro had better luck with the parachute, Momotaro didn't. This must be Momo's day, ne? XD

Momo-tachi trying to get into the Denliner unsuspected and failing. Oh, Momo~ta~ro~su~ XD

Momotaros and Ryotaro help captive at gunpoint by Daiki XD

I swear U-Daiki/DiEnd is awesome. Blue on blue. You should see the epic henshin moment. :D

For some reason, I find this thing gif-worthy. Sadly, I'm no whiz at making gifs. I'm not even any good at LJ icon making. Y-Y

This seems to summarize the Daiki-Ryotaro relationship for me. XD

Oh, Daiki... XD now look at poor Ryotaro without his beloved cup...*points down*

Ryotaro's amazingly quick at figuring things out. Still, he doesn't get his own cup. /fails. XD

It seems I spammed more on Yellow than on Blue. But that's how epically amazing Episode Yellow is. Of the three, including the more romantic yet bittersweet Episode Red, I love Episode Yellow best. I thought it had the best hilarious moments with Kotaro's loads of run in with bad luck on Episode Blue coming in second. And the Daiki-Ryotaro relationship is just...I'm left speechless now. Okay, I'll shut up now. I actually can't find the right word to describe it, actually.

Either way, if you like Episode Yellow, go ahead and check it out. TV-Nihon has it with the subtitles. They're your source for KR goodness on the web. <3 (My way of saying thank you~ XD)

To be honest, I rarely ever watch or fangirl over any Kamen Rider tokusatsu. This one is an exception because Den-O is such a good series despite having been overused now. Den-O definitely made me a KR fan to the point that I'm following OOO which is in turn, following Den-O's footsteps, hilarity-wise and casting-wise. I think I'll skip on KR W, thank you. But I'm definitely interested in the OOO/W movie. What's with the wedding dresses and suits, seriously? (Shu-kun) Eiji is too young to marry */shot */bricked */killed

I didn't do Red for some reason. I think it's too girly and I'm not at all that. Or I think so anyway XD. Either way, if you want to cap the weekend with something sweet, Chou Den-O Episode Red is the way to go. It's on the Airi-Yuto romance train. It's bittersweet but still sweet. Perfect KR movie to cuddle up with a special someone. I'll cuddle up with my pillow now XD or Kimito, please? /bricked /killed by Kimi-fangirls---and there are only a few of us. (It's because Kimito is pretty cool, ne? His fangirls are also cool. Well, kind of, anyway. I think we're normal. XD)

Have a happy weekend, ne? I think I'll go marathon these two episodes tonight when I'm done with work. This sure took me almost three hours to finish. Or maybe four? That's half a day. Half a day that should have been spent working on some paragraphs of today's writing work. First time I've made an effort to discuss the epic-ness of two Kamen Rider movies and all being from Den-O. I don't think I've ever done this for KR Den-O Saraba Countdown and the first KR Den-O movie. I didn't even do this for the series. o.o And I loved KR Den-O Saraba Countdown to pieces as much as these two ;-;

I think I'm coming down with something. It's flu season here because of the changing weather. The high heavens are definitely moody now, eh? And I still don't get why my last.fm won't register on LJ. WTF??

jactor: mizoguchi takuya, episode blue, episode yellow, kamen rider den-o, chou den-o, jimushou: amuse

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