homage to the KR franchise

Dec 27, 2010 10:48

Fine morning, it is, we're having today. I slept quite early last night and didn't get up until it was 5 minutes past 8 today. I've set a better sleep record now. I think I'll follow through for the next few days. It's not at all fun staying up late. I only have to finish work earlier now that I have them already.

So I've decided to make a rundown on some of my favorite Kamen Rider shows and characters. Apparently, I'd been watching a whole lot of it recently, thanks to TV-Nihon's amazingly on time updates. You could probably say that's how I'd been spending the holidays seeing as I'd only started on Decade and OOO on the early part of the holidays.

The KR franchise isn't really a childhood obsession as I'd only seen just a bit of the episodes of some of it in the really distant past. I only got into the whole thing recently, starting with Kamen Rider Blade that aired in Cartoon Network, English dubbed, for some time. For a time, the interest on it waned but it got back when I dabbled with Den-O.

This is in order of airing therefore not really in the order of my preference. XD And the rundown...

(from here)
So uhmn...anybody recognize this guy? He's my first Amuse-bias, of course, Morimoto Ryoji or you'd know him as Kamen Rider Chalice or Hajime Aikawa from the series Kamen Rider Blade. Cartoon Network, I remember, is the culprit to get me so interested in KR Blade that I'd ended up watching the rest on Veoh. While everybody thought it didn't trump other KR shows, I thought it had a pretty decent storyline and it had good characters on it. Needless to say, I got roped into it because of this guy, Hajime Aikawa. He's a pretty interesting character. If you'd get into the KR Blade, check him out.

I never really wanted this to be an Amuse-biased post but it seems like it will be. If you've been following Den-O, you'd recognize him as Nogami Ryotaro. He's still the most adorable Kamen Rider for me, anyway.

I love Den-O for having a balanced storyline. The writer definitely knows where and when to insert humor and angst to balance the whole series including the movies. I also love Den-O for having the most amazing cast down to the seiyuus that gave life and voice to the adorable imajins that possessed Nogami Ryotaro in turns. All in all, Den-O might be the most overused KR series to date---after three movies and the series being completed, they'd add three other movies namely Episode Red, Blue and Yellow---but it's still the best when it comes to storyline or plot and casting. Seiyuus they featured in the show include Miki Shinichiro (Sieg), Toshihiko Seki (Momotaros) and Suzumura Kenichi (Ryutaros). I knew I had a reason for liking Ryutaros best. XD You would probably know Kenichi for voicing one of Ouran's Hitachiin twins if you'd seen the anime. Even the boy who'd reprised the role of Nogami Ryotaro for Decade and the three recently released movies is an Amuse boy. I recognized him from stalking the official Amuse site. He's also the same boy who'd played younger Ryotaro in the first movie with Gaoh and now, he's all grown-up!

 I'm currently watching KR Decade and it's not as amusing as Den-O or OOO and both of which has the same writer. No wonder the humor in both series were phenomenal. XD But let's go to Decade as this guy is from Decade.
Kaito Daiki is my favorite from KR Decade. I'm impartial to Tsukasa and co. but I'm liking Yusuke but not as much as I do Daiki. He's really just a thief but he's a cheerful thief he'd make you want to cuddle him. XD You just have to be wary when he turns into Diend. He can be pretty vicious. I prefer Diend to Decade, to be honest. It's not that he's stronger than Decade, it's that he pretty much reminds me of Chalice's eerie mysteriousness and Zeronos' silly, cheerful personality. Uhmn...I meant Sakurai Yuuto's. But he's definitely not bratty. He could get that way when he doesn't get what he wants. He is played by another Amuse boy, Totani Kimito.

I'm simply waiting to see how Decade's end turns out. Apparently, it's the third on my preference list as 1 and 2 are dominated by Den-O and OOO respectively. Blade is now pushed to number 4 but I wouldn't forget it as it's my first real KR experience.

Right next to Den-O, OOO has the cutest characters and storyline or plot. Whichever you'd like to call it. It's first three episodes are just as funny as Den-O's first episode but it's something you would expect of OOO having the same writer as that of Den-O's.

And so here's Hino Eiji. He lives a modern nomadic lifestyle who believes all that's needed for tomorrow is a pair of clean underpants and just enough money to sleep at an inn. He could easily be shameless...err...the next adorable character next to Den-O's Nogami Ryotaro. Upon meeting the Greeed, Ankh that's possessing police detective Izumi Shingo's nearly dead body, he takes on OOO's belt and fights against anything the Greeeds make (Yummys).

OOO is the newest KR series. They're still airing the series weekly in Japan but TV-Nihon is really good for sharing it with us. It's already got a movie release. A collaboration with KR W's people and I'm quite excited to find out what's with the wedding dresses and tuxedos they're wearing.

Basically Den-O and OOO are my favorite KR series for the humor and surreal-ness they have. Decade and Blade happened to have the more mysterious plot/storyline. Either way, the weirdest thing is, I'm a girl watching or following the KR franchise. Is that weird or is THAT weird? Probably not. I think a few other girls are following the KR franchise for the cute heroes they feature. XD Often times, I'm guilty of that. But I'm guiltier of enjoying the story and characters than anything else. XD

I was planning to follow Kiva because it had Seto Kouji in it but I ended up not following it. I'm thinking about W, too. But I probably won't get into it.

I'm definitely not into the whole thing for the action although that's typical of the KR franchise and is its trademark. The conflict is much, much better than the features of every Kamen Rider. I only have one qualm about OOO and it's the suit. Although I know it suits him, I think OOO's suit is the gaudiest KR suit to date. All the others were without prints hence they were...let's say...normal. In terms of powers...how should I know? It's not like they all got pitted with each other in one show save perhaps Kamen Rider Decade. I'm not that all interested with who is the most powerful and who isn't. They each have their own characters, their own strengths and they each exist in different universes. AUs if you must. Let's leave it at that. I think KR is much more than the suits and the action, say for example OOO and Den-O. The totality of each show is much, much more amusing than just that. But I think this comes from the point of view of someone who's older who's following the KR franchise. Kids would view it with the heroes in every series in mind. Same with the opposite gender.


jactor: watanabe shu, jactor: sato takeru, musings, kamen rider franchise, jactor: totani kimito, jactor: morimoto ryoji, jimushou: amuse

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