profile layouts # 2

Jan 30, 2010 22:03

There is barely time for me to do any manga colouring recently, so here comes a profile layout post instead. I had been using this one in my own profile for a while and liked it quite a lot, so I thought I would make some modifications and share the code before I change it in a few days :)


BROWSERTested in Firefox 3.5.7 and IE 7.0

HEADERPlease use and upload your own header. The header above are shown for the sole purpose of preview only. Find HEADER URL HERE in the code, and replace it with the URL of your image. The default dimension of the header is 140*450; you can either adjust the height of your header or the length of the text accordingly to avoid ugly stretchings in the layout.

No need to upload these yourself; in other words, you may hotlink if you prefer. The background image is taken and modified from DinPattern.

COLOURSBorders: #dddddd
Headings: #f29838
Text: #707070
Links: #f1c16f
Credits: #808080


Eden of the East" height="5">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam adipiscing, leo ac malesuada aliquam, justo massa ultrices sem, nec laoreet enim quam vel dui. Cras condimentum ante in ipsum faucibus ut mollis dolor viverra. Suspendisse potenti. Donec eu ante nec tellus tincidunt molestie. Mauris sagittis, est a porta ullamcorper, massa felis consequat purus, ut lacinia justo eros egestas nunc. Morbi tristique pharetra scelerisque. Vestibulum risus diam, semper sit amet consequat sodales, condimentum nec erat. Nulla eu ante odio, non ornare urna.

Vestibulum pellentesque, erat eget pretium commodo, nulla dolor commodo orci, eu tristique nibh leo ut est. Aliquam mauris felis, volutpat et dapibus ac, hendrerit eget nisl. Aenean blandit tincidunt dolor, sit amet condimentum lectus sollicitudin sed. Donec purus risus, adipiscing in varius in, adipiscing eu arcu. Cras non justo in neque luctus ultrices quis ut turpis. Maecenas laoreet, nisl id faucibus egestas, leo arcu varius orci, a facilisis erat mi et tellus. Donec sed erat neque. Fusce vestibulum laoreet lorem nec aliquam.

Imitate that reason and change" height="5">
Proin lectus leo, accumsan eget ultricies vitae, ullamcorper vitae enim. Fusce ut urna non turpis pulvinar ultricies in in lorem.

Cutting the roots of the future" height="5">
Maecenas sollicitudin facilisis mauris, id consequat lorem placerat sed. Vestibulum et lacinia nunc. Integer sollicitudin mattis placerat. Sed nunc urna, semper id posuere at, tempus nec orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

LINK#1    LINK#2    LINK#3    LINK#4>" height="4">

Journal layout coded by layoutmaker  ♦ 
Profile layout coded by" style="text-decoration: none">herinia

Customize the code above and paste it into here.

NOTESFind URL HERE and replace with the appropriate links.

Free feel to edit/change/customize anything (colours, fonts, sizes, etc) you want, but please don't remove the credit line unless if you are putting it somewhere else!

Let me know your thoughts on it! If my colouring-muse still doesn't come back soon I will probably make more profile layouts haha. Leave a comment if you have any questions and I will try my best to help.

!profile layout

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