Finally an icon post! Hopefully this is worth the long wait. Some of these were made back in May while the others were freshly baked today, so please bear with the difference in quality. Also just ignore if the icons look like they were coloured by ten different persons; my style changes every five days and there's nothing I could do about it. xD
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kyyyaaa~~ ♥♥♥
You know too many of my weakness.
Darn this userpic limit >P *removes and stuffs*
BTW, you should make a zip file at the end of your post. It makes saving everything so much easier. LOL'
Lol, I said that to tininess once, and she recommended me to just go File>Save As rofl.
But just because it's your request...
If it asks for a password then it's icons :3
I had that moment gif, since it was the best *u*
Yush, loads of bishies X33;
That's true. That's true. I completely forgot about that option. xDD'
But yay! Sankyu~~! Great service *tips big*
You're welcome \o/ And yay, the icon tables didn't break. Somehow this post me almost two hours to type up. x
The lines are very hard to work with! I'm amazed at how you persevere with it *claps*
I share that sympathy. Its not the making icons that takes the time, its posting up the whole table of them XD'
i'm be forever in love with him!!!!!
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