Enjoying the Honeymoon!!

Jan 10, 2006 20:57

Alright, so my kids today were little angels. They paid attention, worked hard, didn't complain when they had to correct their work. I swear it was like a completely different class and it was wonderful!! I'm sure it is just a honeymoon period after the long break, but wouldn't it be awesome if they could keep it up?!? Yeah, it was a good day:)

There was one sad point though. Even though teachers aren't supposed to have favorite students, we usually do. And today I found out that mine has transferred to another island. SO that was heartwrenching, especially since I didn't even get to say goodbye. He has been a student of mine for a year and a half, so I was kind of attached to him. Ah well, such is life. At least I know that I have helped him to make a lot of progress, and I am confident that he will be able to continue to improve.

God Bless!
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