Nov 17, 2005 20:48
One of my second grade boys today, out of the blue, told my Aide that he wants to be a teacher when he grows up. He said "When I grow up, I want to be a teacher just like Ms. Katie. I want to come back and teach with her and help her. I am going to be a teacher like Ms. Katie." I just couldn't stop smiling:) Whether or not he ever becomes a teacher, that fact that he would want to because of the way he has seen me teach the class, is just wonderful to me!! I just had a huge grin on my face for awhile, it was just such a cute and innocent thing to say, and made me feel really good about the work I am doing. I couldn't help but be reminded of myself at that age, because I decided when I was in second grade that I wanted to be a teacher. BIG SMILE!!!
It was a good day:)