Dec 22, 2008 21:24
Right now Syracuse looks a bit like my icon. Ok, maybe not quite THAT bad but it's getting there. It just seems to not want to stop snowing. Friday we totaled 9.5 inches, beating out a record from 1982. Sunday we got another 5.3. We got another 2.5 or so this afternoon. And it has NOT stop snowing since before I left work at 4pm. And we're not talking flurries. We're talking snow. Real snow. I have NO idea how much we've gotten this evening but I'd hazard a guess that it's been another 3 inches or so. For fuck's sake. Everyone just STOP begging for a white Christmas. It's all getting dumped in central NY. We're neck and neck with last year's total. 49 inches so far (minus this evening) vs. last year's 52.9. Looovely.
Dahlia seems to love this stuff. She's from Portsmouth, Ohio, which gets an average of 16 inches of snow a year. Yes, I know where my dog is from, but not her birthday. She has NEVER seen this much snow. I'd guess there's about her average yearly snowfall all on the ground NOW. She loves it. She runs into the snow, almost swims in it. She seems to love leaping over the snowbanks (sometimes landing in the snow and getting a bit stuck on the other side). We took her down to the soccer field on Sunday and watched her leap through the snow. Just "bounce bounce bounce" through the snow. David went further with her than I wanted to go, I stopped about halfway across the field. He continued to the other side and then turned around. When Dahlia saw me again, she took off RUNNING...leaping across half a soccer field clogged with a foot or more of snow. It was a glorious run and I wish I had captured it on video. She was one tired doggy after that and we trudged back home slowly. She slept the afternoon away.
On the other hand, Dahlia seems to have a difficult time finding a place to do her bathroomly duties in this sort of snow. She just doesn't seem to want to squat in a foot of snow. I don't blame her one bit! It now takes a lot longer for her to do such a thing and so the walks are becoming longer. I really don't mind walking in this stuff. It's pretty. It's the driving I hate so much. Getting up the hill tonight was tough and I almost didn't think I'd make it up the main road up the hill.