What started out as a transport for three dogs (two golden retriever puppies and a 2-year-old cocker spaniel) first changed to one golden puppy, his mom, and the cocker, and then all the goldens developed kennel cough, so we ultimately ended up with one small dog for the transport.
Coeby was an utter sweetheart. He really just wanted to be close to you, so he would snuggle up as soon as you bent down to him. He had a heck of a lot of energy and was horribly untrained. Not that he was bad, but he was CRAZY. He pulled on the leash (almost tugged me off my feet and he weighed 26 lbs!) and when we grabbed food at McDonald's quickly, within seconds of David handing me the bag, he ripped it open and scarfed a bunch of fries. Whoa! David ended up taking my food, scarfing his down while standing outside the car, and then he took Coeby for a walk while I scarfed mine down. Not the most satisfying meal! But worth it really. Coeby was going to his new home that very night. I felt sorry for the poor thing. He had obviously come in SERIOUSLY matted as his fur was shaved down and he had scabs by his ear (I'm guessing those were caused by some horrible mats that had to be cut out). But despite all that, he was a happy little dog!
Of course, the best part of the transport was when we gave Coeby off to Trish (from Bare Bones Rescue) and got our own wonderful Dahlia to take home with us!! B
ut more on that shortly...
First, some pictures of Coeby.
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