Nelly photo shoot!

Dec 19, 2012 19:38

I went over to Helping Hounds today to take some photos of Nelly, a dog who has been there for WAY too long. She's a good girl, but SO high energy. Danielle (the trainer) is teaching her impulse control and working with all that energy but what she really needs is a job. She'd be a great dog for a lot of different sports. She's fast, focused, and athletic. I hope she finds a home soon!

Danielle had one of the other people go get Nellie so we could get photos of her greeting her. But first Nellie had to pop her head up to say "OMG THERE'S DANIELLE!"

So happy!

She's my favourite person!

Then we took her outside. It was SUPER sunny, which I actually was sort of not happy with. Nelly is a hard dog to photograph for a lot of reasons, but the main ones are she almost NEVER stops moving and her fur has HUGE contrasts. Her face is almost totally dark and her body is mostly white with ticks and patches. That combination with tons of sun? Not that good. But I'm pleased with how some of them came out anyway.

Totally blurry because I didn't expect her to leap AT me and my camera couldn't handle the change in distance quick enough. But still...LOL

How cute IS she?



Dog can't hold her licker.

Anyone have any guesses on her breed mix? I finally realized who she reminds me of. rozae's Figlet.

rescue, photos

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