Petbulls Secret Santa!

Dec 07, 2012 21:55

For those not in petbulls...

Dahlia received her presents from the wonderful thecuddlycactus yesterday. She was SUPER fascinated by the box. SOMETHING smelled good, that's for sure!

This is mine, right? I know this because I SMELL THINGS YOU CANNOT.

First out of the box was a package of Zukes salmon treats. Dahlia LOOOOVED THESE so much. It was almost impossible to get her to play with anything while these were around. They will go to very good use with trick training as she just got her Novice Trick Dog title today, so we'll be moving onto new tricks!



What else you got there Mom?


This is what Dahlia thinks of that!

There were also these ADORABLE bows that we realized almost no one in this community could make use of, so they were extra special for my hairy monster!

I'm so pretty! Oh so pretty! Oh so pretty and witty and spayed!!

Then we got out the Cloudstar Apple smoked bacon treats. BIG HIT. And they came with a Wag More Bark Less sticker that I'm going to stick on my bodhran (Irish drum) case!

There was also a bully stick in there, but we haven't given that to her yet. She'll get that sometime soon, but she'd had enough to eat with the treats last night!

So once my girl gets focused on food she's like "Toys? What toys?" So we set the toys aside until today and put the treats away. When I got home today she immediately pounced on the toys we left out. NEW TOYS OH BOY YAY!

First there was a squeaky plush SANTA! Loved the texture of this one and Dahlia thought it was quite a fun toy.

Poor Santa! LOL

She gave the same treatment to poor ol' Frosty the Snowman. Is the Squeaker in his head Mom?

Found the squeaker! (Which she then squeaked and squeaked and squeaked some more!)

Last but not least there was this super fun bungee tuggy squeaky gecko! I tried talking to Dahlia like I was the Geico gecko but she wasn't into that. She just wanted to play with it.

Lookin' for the squeaker.

Found it!

I swear this is a smile!

We finished off with a little bit of tug with Mommy!

So Dahlia verdict? Two paws up!

photos, secret santa, dahlia

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