Fall Mountain pictures

Sep 02, 2012 20:31

Today we went up Fall Mountain, the major extent of our hiking "career." We've been up it 4 times now. It's not the hardest climb but it's enough for people like David and I! And now that I'm resting this evening my toe is aching. Ugh. Really annoyed that I'm STILL having problems with that.

We usually have the whole place to ourselves but today there were many people. And dogs! Most of the dogs were fine. There was Molly, a really sweet lab mix who Dahlia enjoyed meeting. The two labs we saw on our way out from the top were on leashes and we all just steered clear of each other. But then there was the Chihuahua. *sigh* So his owner picked him up once he saw Molly and Dahlia and muttered something about his having issues with other dogs. And they went down below. Well, apparently while down there he decided to just let him off leash and the dog took off away from him, came careening up, saw Dahlia first and went after her. Dahlia, of course, had to be all "IMA GONNA SHOW YOU BITCH!" and tried to pin the little sucker down. I got her away and the other woman who was there with him, put a leash on the dog and said to the guy "I thought you weren't going to let him off leash!" Yeah not the smartest move there buddy. (And later on, on the way down, the dog was off leash again and went after Molly...Ugh).

But other than that it was a nice time. We met a lot of cool people and chatted for awhile with them all. We all hid out under the trees when a rainstorm suddenly cropped up and soaked us all (we got the cameras put away in time! Phew!).

Happy dog!

Stopping on the trail to catch our breaths = photo op!

Trail dog patiently waits.

Into the woods.

The view at the top.


Looking down!

I just kept thinking this would be the perfect tilt-shift photo. And look! I can turn it into one!

The rain cloud coming in.

This is Molly. They tied her up to a tree for a short bit while they all went down below. Which meant I had a chance for photos!

Just chillin' here Mom.

The sun comes out!


Checking out what's going on down below.

Pretty posing girl.

Pretty smile!

One last shot of the valley before heading down.

photos, vermont, fall mountain, dahlia

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