Yesterday we took Dahlia and Nellie and met up with Jackson (and Jackson's owner!) at the Quarry for some play times. We figured that Jackson and Nellie would be a great match for playing and after they settled down after the initial greeting, they had a great time together.
And it was a beautiful night (at least until the end when we got rained on AGAIN), so I took my camera. I'm so glad I did!
Not my greatest picture (had the ISO too low and so it shot at too low of a shutter speed. But it shows Nellie's great running form!
My pretty girl!
Love the size difference!
I don't think Nellie's tongue is actually part of her body.
Nellie took off WAY down into the quarry chasing a bird. Please note this photo was taken at 300mm and is cropped a bit. She was WAY far away from us.
The sky was AMAZING.
This one is huge...sorry. But it has to be for you to see it!
Look! Dahlia plays!
New friends.
Look at Dahlia's stance! She's playing!
OMG bitey face! I wish I were at a different angle for this one but Dahlia totally had a moment of bitey face with Nellie.
A year or two ago Dahlia would NEVER be in the midst of a couple dogs playing like this.
Blurry, but I still like it.
Rain in the distance. Which quickly caught up to us!
So we got a bit wet. resulted in this. Which was totally worth getting wet for.