Agility class photos!

Mar 18, 2012 18:50

I brought my camera to class today in the hopes of getting a handful of pictures. Usually we get a fair amount of down time but not this time of course! She had us paired up and being distraction for someone else (more on that later). I ended up getting only a few and I was pretty disappointed with it though the quality was good. But then I was talking to Heather after class and said something about how I'd stick around to take some of the next class, but I didn't want to be too much of a distraction. Tina's response as she walked by? "The dogs need distraction. Take photos if you want to!" So I stayed and took A TON. I ended up with about 250, of which 126 turned out decent enough to upload. Some turned out really good.

I am SO HAPPY with this camera. You can see how photos taken around the same time of day in the same barn with my A230 came out here. Granted I wasn't using the best lens but still, the graininess sucked.

I shot most of the ones today at ISO-1600, which let me get pretty fast shutter speeds (sometimes even 1/2000 or higher if the dog was light). Many of the photos came out totally sharp, with just a bit of grain. Many of the photos I deleted weren't blurry. They were just bad photos (dogs jumping out of the camera, etc.).

I shot everything using my 135mm f/2.8 prime lens and then cropped if needed.

And for those who haven't seen them on FB...a special treat! I got photos of Dahlia!

This was Penny, my partner for class.

Indy, the black lab, who I like a lot. Indy is about the same age as Dahlia though she has tons more energy and drive.

Q (I think it's just Q though I could be wrong) doing a nice 2on/2off.

I forget the name of this dog.

This Aussie is GORGEOUS.

And apparently thought the tunnel was something to walk ON. I wish this was on focus but it was hard to quickly focus when there was a jump in the way.

Indy again.

Q again. God I LOVE Belgian Tervs.

Handsome Yellow Lab whose name I don't remember. You might remember the story about the Lab who busted his owner's lip in the tugging mini-clinic? This is the dog.

This is my friend Heather's dog, Guinness.


Flying treat!

And now for Dahlia! Tina was nice enough to run her for me so I could get a few photos. It was NOT a brilliant Dahlia run by any means as she was tired and confused a bit. But she did well enough for me to get some decent photos.

I am ridiculously happy with my camera!

photos, agility photography, agility, dahlia

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