Dahlia shows off her agility moves!

Oct 10, 2010 17:07

It's such a gorgeous day outside and nothing was going on in our local park. So we brought out the jump and the tunnel I bought ages ago (which is awesome -- seriously SO worth the $24!) and set it all up. We did this mostly as a photo shoot, but it was also great fun for Dahlia!

The first thing I did was to set Dahlia up in front of the jump. I turned around and saw THIS look. I'm so glad David got a photo of it.

(The bottom looks kind of weird and crooked because one of the bars of the jump was there.)

Dahlia looks up at me while I get her into position.

We started with the bar fairly low. She had to jump, but it wasn't a huge jump.

She cleared it rather easily.

So then we raised it up quite a bit. As you can see, she cleared THAT rather easily too. Go Dahlia!

Then we pulled out the tunnel. It can extend to 18 feet and bend, but we're not quite ready for it to bend just yet, so we left it out mostly extended and straight.

We went back to the jump for one last try.

And then got this!

Awww Mom I'm tired.

After that, she just basically collapsed into a puddle of Dahlia and we packed up and headed home.

photos, dahlia-agility, dahlia

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