Semester is finally over, yay! And the next semester would officially start at November 7, so yay, short vacation!
I really am going to write my fanfics like hell! *swears*
Well... Before completely leaving the thought of school though, I'm kind of worried about my Analytical Chemistry 2 Lecture and Lab classes. My preliminary grades for them aren't really high, and while my quizzes for the lecture in the finals period have been considerably better, the lab is a different story. Due to time constraints, we've been having lecture classes during the supposed lab period, so there are no quizzes there at all. And then during the final exams, the proctor comes in late by 15 minutes, then still sticks to the 1-hour time set for the test. And then for 15 minutes within the remaining time, she talks LOUDLY with a co-professor at the back of the room. So how can you expect to concentrate with that? D: So you can almost say we only had 30 minutes to answer the 6-page exam. And damn it, I did not finish at all. I didn't manage to answer a 5-point problem, and another one was only half-way done. Sigh... At least my final exam for the lecture is more hopeful. Oh man, if I fail these two subjects, I won't be able to get them again till next year. And they're also the pre-requisite for 4 subjects for the next semester. So yeah, it would be almost guaranteed that I'll be held back a year, and won't graduate along with my batch-mates. I'm hoping for the best, though.
For happier news, after the final exams were over, my friends and I went to eat out at this buffet-style restaurant. Then I was looking out at the labels of the foods served, and one caught my attention.
It's a flat noodle pasta with white sauce and CLAMS.
I nearly laughed out loud as my inner-Katekyo Hitman Reborn fangirl giggled.
And then I ate some. xD