Jul 07, 2005 01:27
:x: name: Stephanie Ann Kopasz
:x: height: 5 feet 4 inches what what
:x: shoe size: 7
:x: hair color: red and brown and reddish brown and blondish.
:x: siblings: 1 brother, basically a sister
:x: eyes: blue.
:x: college: one day....central baby :)
.:x: jr.high: iroquois
:x: elementary: McGlinnen and Ojibwa
:x: hometown: rochester
:x: favorite place: under a blanket
:x: favorite soda: sprite remix the FIRST ONE.
:x: game system: ps2 or xbox
:x: favorite food: cheez-its
:x: favorite book: Prozac Nation...or Door to December
:x: favorite pen: im more of a crayon girl?
:x: favorite car: who cares
:x: favorite animal: snake
:x: waterbrand: dasani
:x: favorite burger place: ick I like taco bell
:x: favorite hobby: zach
:x: favorite friends: thats mean
:x: bar or club: if I had ID ya know...
:x: favorite vitamins: um
:x: favorite show: um
:x: favorite news: um
:x: gold or silver: silver
:x: favorite dog: bonnie :)
:x: favorite shirt: fishies go pook pook pook
:x: favorite sport: no
:x: favorite alcohol: bacardi o3
:x: favorite fruit: real cherries
:x: favorite song: idontevenknow
:x: ketchup or salsa: ketchup
:x: favorite milkshake: strawberry-mango from Mcdonalds!%!@%!@^
:x: steak or lobster: lobster
:x: favorite color: purple
:x: favorite weather: thunderstorms..lots of lightning!
:x: favorite state: Illinois
:x: have a crush on someone: zach
:x: wish you could live somewhere else: yes
:x: think about suicide: who hasnt
:x: believe in online dating: no
:x: think others find you attractive: no
:x: want more piercings: yesyesyes
:x: like cleaning: hell no
:x: like roller coasters: hell yes
:x: write in cursive or print: print....I like cursive better though, I just blow
:x: last talked to: mom
:x: last thought: omfgiamsofuckingboredfuckyou
:x: last showered: this morning
:x: last cut: uh...you mean my hair?
:x: last did laundry: yesterday
:x: last hugged a tree: not in a while.
:x: last watched anime: shutup
:x: last prayed: shutup
for or against…
:x: long distant relationships: been there done that never again.
:x: killing people: depends :)
:x: teenage smoking: freedom of choice
:x: driving drunk: against
:x: gay/lesbian relationships: idc
:x: soap operas: against
have you…
:x: ever cried over a boy: who hasnt
:x: ever been in a fist fight: yeah
:x: ever been arrested: nope
:x: ever had a friend die: not a really close one
:x: ever dated a cousin: fuckkk no
:x: ever used a gun: lol I shot a bird with a bb gun
:x: ever made out: NO. WAY.
:x: ever finished a puzzle: yeah
:x: ever got surgery: mm no
:x: ever got beat up: no
:x: ever hated someone: yes
:x: ever made a huge mistake: who hasnt
:x: ever tried any drugs: yes
:x: ever jogged a mile: yes
:x: ever played w/ someone’s feelings: probably because im a bitch.
:x: ever had feelings for someone young: noooo not in a sexual way
:x: shoes do you wear: all black converse....some sweetass laces
:x: are you scared of: lets not get into that
:x: do you sleep in: anything I feel comfortable sleeping in
:x: did you eat for lunch: macaroni and cheese
:x: is love: zach.
:x: of times I have had my heart broken?: im too damn fragile
:x: of hearts I have broken?: don’t make me feel guilty
:x: of girls I have kissed?: idk
:x: of boys I have kissed?:idk
:x: of guys/girls you've rejected?: idk
:x: of drugs you taken: lol
:x: of accidents you been in: could that be any less specific?
:x: of people you lead on?: idk.
:x: of people you broke up with?: don’t remember
do you think you are…
:x: pretty: sometimes
:x: funny: no
:x: hot: not really
:x: friendly: i try
:x: ugly: everyone is ugly
:x: loveable: i hope
:x: caring: yes
:x: dorky: i guess
:x: cocky: no
:x: girly: no
:x: boyish: no
:x: smart: yes, but im much too lazy
:x: pimp: no
:x: angel: no
:x: gangster: no
:x: god: you know it
:x: five letter word: S-T-E-P-H
:x: comedian: no
:x: candy: peanutbutter cups
:x: cartoon: no
:x: cereal: peanutbutter crunch or smores
:x: chewing gum: idk:x: day of week: saturday
:x: least fave day: idk
:x: jello flavor: the green kind?
:x: summer/winter: summer
:x: trampolines or swimming pools: swimming pools
person who last…
:x: slept in your bed: me....or maybe ashley
:x: saw you cry: idk
:x: made you cry: everything makes me cry at some point in time these days
:x: you went to the movies with: too long ago
:x: yelled at you?: mom?
:x: sent you an email: Liz
have you ever…
:x: said "i love you" and meant it?: yes.
:x: gone out in public in your pajamas?: yes.
:x: kept a secret from everyone?: yes, but not for a long time
:x: cried during a movie?: yes
:x: planned your week based on the TV Guide?: no.
:x: been on stage?: yes
:x: been to New York?: no
:x: been to California?:no
:x: been to Florida?: yes
:x: Hawaii?:no
:x: China?:no
:x: Canada?:yes
:x: Europe?:no
:x: what time is it now?:1:34 am
:x: apples or bananas?: apples
:x: blue or red?: red
:x: walmart or target?: walmart
:x: spring or fall?: spring=my birthday :)
:x: what are you gonna do after you finish this?: be bored
:x: what was the last meal you ate?: freeze-pops with zach?
:x: are you bored?: yeah
:x: last noise you heard?: tv
:x: last smell you sniffed?: my dog ew
:x: last time you went out of state/province?: for the weekend camping
x: do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
:x: do you want children one day & if so, how many?: yes, 1 or 3
:x: most important thing to you in a friendship is?: honesty
random stuff…
:x: criminal record?: no?
:x: do you speak any other languages?: I wish
:x: name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: posters, candles, incense, shoestrings, stuff from zach.
:x: piercings and where?: 5 in right ear 4 in left
:x: worst feeling in the world?: don’t want to revisit it.
:x: whom you love: zach and my mom and my dad and ashley and close friends and anyone that listens to me.
:x: nickname(s): steph I s’pose and I HATE what people call me kopasz, k.
:x: initials: SAK....lol
:x: how old do you look?: I don’t think I look old, but the oldest anyone’s ever thought I was is 19.wow.
:x: how old do you act?: 3 according to my mom sometimes.
:x: glasses/contacts?: perfect vision bitches
:x: braces: i need them :(
:x: do you have any pets?: bonnie.....and licorish and coda at my dads
:x: you get embarrassed?: sometimese :x: what upsets you?: everything