With the beginning of a new season comes the need for a new City Planning guide. As our resident civil engineer, D, has left the norcal area, I have humbly opted to take his place as coordinator of local events. Presented below are the weekends, with planned events where appropriate. Please comment to let me know about events you'd like to add
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As an aside, I was planning on taking Erin L. to the motorcycle store to look at gear so that she can ride with J sometimes. Would you be interested in coming along and possibly getting some of your own to ride with Ian? Having a jacket and gloves can make all the difference between surviving a crash with intact appendages and not... Not sure if it's in your budget right now, but it might be fun to go try on stuff anyway.
Lemme know!
Hugs and love,
If you size yourself at a store, you'd be surprised how cheap you can find gear online.
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