New Music Tuesday - Manganzoides

Mar 13, 2007 20:12

It's not too often that I stumble--completely by accident--upon a band that really surprises me. Today after lunch, I was idly browsing the Podsafe Music Network
through bands tagged with "Garage Rock," and I came across Manganzoides, a garage/surf/horror rock band from Peru with two internationally distributed albums on No Fun Records. I admit that I have a inordinate fondness for songs about monsters, so it's probably not too surprising that, when seeing they had a song called "Me enamora de una Zombi," I was hooked. However, I'll let you decide for yourself. Check this kick-ass video for the song "Mujer Boa"--Warning: NSFW...if your workplace has a problem with cartoon boobies!

I also urge to you take a listen to Cucarachas Voladoras ("Flying Cockroaches").
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