What is wrong with people?!

Jan 02, 2009 17:08

So, I was sitting at my computer, minding my own business when suddenly I hear a dog yelping in pain outside my window, followed shortly afterward by what sounded like a car door slamming shut. I walk over to the window to peer out and there's an SUV stopped in the road and two huskies in the snow by the side. I can't be 100% sure, but I think somebody threw them out of the car. The SUV then proceeded to drive off, but by the time I thought to look for the plates it was at an angle where I couldn't see them.

Cue me calling up animal control and heading outside to see about keeping the dogs from wandering off until an officer could get there. Turns out to not be too much of a problem; one of the dogs (black, with a white face and markings) was injured and decided to curl up against the wall of the building on the side away from the road, behind a few plants. It didn't seem to have any broken legs, at least, but beyond that I don't know the extent of the injuries. The other dog (all white) hung around in the general area, and when it did start to wander off a bit it'd come when I called. Didn't seem to have a whole lot of training, but it was a sweetheart.

I stayed out with them for half an hour or so until the animal control officer arrived, and that was the only time the white dog displayed any signs of hostility. It wasn't happy about anybody getting near the injured one. One the officer got it with the catch pole, though, the black one got up and began following. Seems they've got a pretty close relationship.

I helped out by holding the white dog away while the officer got the black one into his van, and then the white one was more than happy to jump in afterwards.

The officer told me which shelter they were being taken to, and that I could call to check up on how they were doing. There was also another resident of the apartment complex who'd come by and also wanted to know the shelter, because they were beautiful dogs and he was going to see about getting them adopted. Too big for our apartments, but I guess he knew some people who might be able to take them in. I hope that works out.

But seriously throwing dogs out of your car and then driving off? Who the hell does that? Is it really that hard to just take them to the animal shelter yourself? These are good looking dogs, seemingly in good health, not at all vicious... I'd think there'd be plenty of people happy to have them. The white one, at least, shouldn't have much trouble finding a new home. The black one... I guess it depends on just how badly injured it was. I just hope it wasn't any worse than it looked.
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