Hello from sunny Sapporo!

Mar 05, 2007 21:01

But even though it's sunny, it's still REALLY cold! XD Not that I didn't expect that to be the case, but it's definitely a case of your brain knowing one thing and your body feeling another. Good thing I brought a wooly scarf with me!

And for the crew back in the tech section, I think I know why you guys were dropping hints about omiage now. You thought beer was plentiful in Tokyo? Try coming up here! But, sorry guys. I'm not lugging beer back with me for you guys. It's way too heavy XD But I'll think of something good, okay?

[ooc: omiage is typically a food souvenir that you bring back for friends and co-workers when you go away somewhere]

It's a little strange not seeing or talking to Renji. I didn't really realize how much I'd gotten used to that. Between work, and the dojo, I guess I do see quite a lot of him.  Come to think of it, I probably talk to him at least once a day. I can't even say that I talk to aniki that much! Ooyama-san commented to me that I seemed a little down the other day, and asked if everything was alright. I guess I didn't even notice it in myself until he mentioned it, so I told him that I would be fine and was probably just adjusting to being in Sapporo.

I mean, I always suspected that I liked Renji...but I guess I didn't truly realize that before. That old adage about not knowing how much something means to you until it's gone comes to mind...
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