(no subject)

Nov 28, 2004 21:37

Well, thanksgiving has passed now and next we are looking forward to Christmas. On thanksgiving the house was pretty crabby because everyone was cleaning the house to have relatives over later. Once everyone got there it was pretty boring but the food was damn good. I never got the chance to really give thanks online for all my friends but you all know i love you and am extremely greatful for all that you have done for me. anytime i needed someone to talk to i can turn around and pretty much catch any one of you who is willing to listen.

Friday night i hit up a smaller party and had a good time, i havn't been to a party in like a month or maybe even two so it was nice. Saturday night i had a few friends over and we once again played a lot of Halo 2. unlike in Halo i am actually able to own them in Halo 2 which is nice ^^. Also, Josh, you suck for never being on when i'm on or telling me when you are :P. of course you have an xbox so you are to blame and knowing you have the utmost free time in the world. haha but yea i dont' catch you on anymore...well i've only caught you on once and i didn't have my mic then. ^^;

School again tomorrow for the first time in a week. no more sleeping in and i shall go back to being tired everyday, bwahaha. Vikes won today against the Jags, it was a good game and we had moss back who owned even though he was at, most likely, around 75% and wasn't really moving like we know he can. damn i really think i get too pumped in Vikes' games sometimes and they will probably be the cause of hair lossage or most of my grey hairs in due time :P

anywho, take it easy o>
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