Fanfic: Failed Experiences (extended version)

Jul 09, 2006 19:45

Title: Failed Experiences (extended version)
Author: CrypticOrchid
Pairing: Takamiya x Izumi
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yuki Shimizu

Ok, I'm not sure if I like how this turned out, but I would love to hear your feedback. This is an extended version of the previous story I wrote for the January pornography challenge.
I hope you enjoy it.

"Come on Izumi......Please.....just this once."

"I already told you, NO!"


"No, now stop it."

"It's not that embarrassing, is it?"

"Yes, it is."

"But I've seen your beautiful naked body plenty of times"

"Pictures are much different, I said NO"

"Oh, come on, I will make you feel good after I'm done"

"No, you perverted Homo."

"Come now... Izumi"

"Don't 'come now' me, remember what happened last time we tried something?"


" know exactly what I mean."

"Oh, Izumi..."

"Every time we try something, Aoe comes barging in. I mean it this time, NO"

Izumi replayed the conversation in his mind several times. The whip cream incident and the video camera incident came flashing into his head. Why didn’t Takamiya ever listen to him. He sighed as he laid back on the bed and thought about what happened after that conversation.

“Izumi, you don’t have to worry about that. Aoe went on a business trip to England. I’m not sure what he was going there for but I asked him to pick me up some of my favorite tea. He left a few days ago, so we don’t have to worry about him disturbing us.”
       Izumi looked at his lover. He had his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips doing his dirty work for him. Izumi could never resist and his resolve was melted away.

“Ok, ok.” Izumi finally said, "But just this once and you can only use the digital camera and you can’t ever print the pictures out, EVER. Ok?”

“Ok, Izumi,”  Takamiya said as he got up to get his camera from the study.

Izumi moved to make sure the door was locked. As he headed for the bedroom he hung his head. He had a bad feeling about this. Takamiya came out of the study, camera in hand and a big grin on his face. “Izumi, where are you going? Let me capture you on the couch.”

Izumi looked up at his lover and walked over to the couch and sat down. Takamiya was in a good mood, there was a twinkle in his eyes and of course he was smiling his heart melting smile. Izumi loved this man but why was he such a pervert. Ugh. “So, um, what should I do?” Izumi asked uncertain of exactly what he was suppose to do.

“For now just look sexy,” Takamiya grinned as he saw Izumi roll his eyes. Izumi decided tried a pose he saw once on an advertisements. He put his elbows in his lap and his hands on his face and tried to smile his best smile. Click. Next he looked at something off to the side. Click. Removing his hands from his face he placed them behind his head. Click.

“That was a nice pose Izumi take off your shirt and do it again,” Takamiya said as he smiled at Izumi, he was enjoying himself.

All Izumi could think about was how perverted this was. He posed in the position Takamiya asked for. Click. ‘What should I do now?’ Izumi thought. Takamiya realized Izumi's distress and started giving commands.

“Ok, now lay on your stomach”


“Ya like that, and put your hands on your face like the sitting one”


“Ah, good, Look at me now.”


“Good now look at the side of the couch. Good”


“Lay on your side and prop your head up with your arm and drape the other one on your hip.”


“Good. Now why don’t you remove the rest of your clothes.”

Izumi got up and removed his pants and underwear. Click. Click. Click. He looked at his lover surprised. Takamiya just grinned. He threw his clothing out of the way and sat back on the couch, “um…” Izumi was having a little bit of fun, he liked it when Takamiya was enjoying himself.
“Good Izumi, sit on the couch and pull your knees up. Umm….Good”


Izumi blushed when he heard his lover moan.

He was getting hot now, his member was erect.

“Beautiful Izumi, Beautiful.”


Takamiya moved to the coffee table to place the camera down. “How about I make you feel……” BAM!!! The door front door came crashing town startling Izumi and Takamiya. Izumi’s face went white. Takamiya’s mouth hung open to see none other then Aoe Reiji standing in the door way. In a irritated voice he said, “Dammit, is your ringer broken I pushed it at least 100 times.”

Takamiya doubted it was a hundred times but his musing stopped when he heard a growl. He turned to look to see where it came from.

Izumi was pissed now, his face was red with anger and embarrassment. He turned to Takamiya and said, “GOD DAMMIT YOU FUCKING HOMO’S. DIDN’T I TELL YOU HE WOULD RUIN IT. HE ALWAYS DOES.” Without realizing it Izumi picked the vase off the side table and threw it at Aoe while yelling. “WHY CAN’T YOU ACT LIKE A FUCKING NORMAL HUMAN BEING FOR ONCE AND WAIT.” He suddenly realized he was the only one naked in the room and stormed off to the bedroom.

Aoe didn’t expect to see what he saw. It wasn’t his fault they decided to do things whenever he decided to show up. They should be happy that he took the time out of his busy schedule to visit. He easily avoided the assault with the vase and looked mildly amused. “He never changes does he?” Aoe asked looking at Takamiya.

Takamiya shook his head at Aoe. “Now that you have ruined my fun Aoe, may I ask why you decided to visit?”

Aoe smiled. “Oh, I just wanted to give you your tea.” He walked over to Takamiya after removing his shoes and handed him a package.

“Thank you Reiji, but you could have called first,” Takamiya’s voice was strained he knew that calming Izumi down would be a big job.

Reiji made a snorting sound and said, “Well that’s all I came here for. You have a good day.” He started to head for the door which was slighting hanging off the hinges. “Uh, do you have a screw driver I’ll fix this before I go.”

Takamiya walked to the utility closet and got the small tool box. He gave it to Reiji and it was fixed in no time. After Aoe was done he put his shoes on and said, “Well that out burst was louder then the whip cream incident.” Reiji chuckled as he said goodbye to his friend and left.

Takamiya was horrified. Reiji wasn’t suppose to be home until next week but sure enough he was here and ruining his fun again. He secretly thought Aoe had a Takamiya-fun-meter installed somewhere in his house so he knew exactly when to show up. He let out a long sigh and headed to the bedroom.

Izumi had hid under the covers of the bed. He was too embarrassed and upset that the Oni-devil Aoe Reiji had once again barged in on his and Takamiya's play time. Never again he told himself. Now matter how much pouting Takamiya does never again would they try something new. Izumi heard the front door close and knew Takamiya would be coming to him soon.

Takamiya entered the room and saw Izumi under the covers of the bed. He went and laid next to Izumi. “I’m sorry, he wasn’t suppose to be in town until next week. I’m so sorry. Why don’t you come out and we can go to the study and look at the pictures together.” He heard a muffled sound come out of the blanket. “What was that?” he asked as he pulled the covers back a bit.

“Why are you so perverted? I don’t want to see the porno pictures you took of me.”

Takamiya chuckled a little. “You know Izumi you looked really sexy in those pictures. But if you don’t want to come with me, I can always use them as masturbation material.” Takamiya got up and left heading toward the study.

Izumi looked out of the blanket. His lover was gone from the room. He was having fun until Aoe messed things up. He got up and pulled on some pajama pants. He made he way the the study and was attacked as soon as he entered. They crashed into the bookself and Takamiya kiss Izumi hard and rubbed his naked body against the boy. When Takamiya released him from the passionate kiss he whispered, “I love you Izumi."

“I know” was all Izumi could get out before Takamiya continued his assault. He thought to himself, so much for failed experiences.

lovemode, failed

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