Movie Night

Jan 06, 2006 13:08

Title: Just a Movie
Author: CrypticOrchid
Pairing: Takamiya x Izumi
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yuki Shimizu

This was written for Blue Boys January Challenge, but I didn't like it how it turned out.

“So, Takamiya what movie are we going to be watching tonight?” Izumi wondered while he searched the fridge for some juice.
Takamiya called from the living room, “It’s something interesting, come in here and we will start the movie.”
Izumi left the kitchen and took a seat next to his lover.
“What do you think?” he asked holding up the video cover for Izumi.
Izumi look at him like he was an alien. “I am not watching THAT!!” he shouted, while jumping off the couch.
Takamiya looked puzzled, “Why not? It’s just a porno.”
Izumi yelled, “Ya, a GAY one!!!!”


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