(no subject)

Sep 21, 2007 15:37

I'm really depressed. Somebody cheer me up...

EDIT: I guess I'm having post-graduation blues. No celebration. No after parties. It's just me. I feel like I haven't made a single lasting friendship throughout my 4 years at the Art Institute.

I'm looking through fellow classmates' myspaces, at all the pictures they have posted, at all the bonds they have made with each other. And I'm not in any of them.

I've grown further away, if anything. People I once thought I was connecting with now seem like strangers. I wouldn't be surprised if I never heard from or saw any of them again. Actually, quite the contrary; I'd be quite surprised if any of them contacted me at this point.

I guess all I can do is keep my chin up and explain to myself that I'm not their kind of person. I'm just not a social butterfly. I can barely maintain my friendships outside of school, which are already severely lacking.

And I suppose that's what makes it all the more unbearable. Set aside the fact that I wasn't invited to any graduation parties or out for drinks, I don't even have a group of close knit friends by my side who are truly excited for my accomplishment, and INSIST on celebrating, no matter how much I protest (which, at this point, I can honestly say I would put up little resistance).

So, I wonder, what is wrong with me? Is it the kind of people I'm friends with or is it me? 'Cause if it's something I'm doing or not doing, I wish someone would tell me right now so I can change it. Some days it's nothing short of torture being this lonely, and today is one of those days.

I think I can honestly feel my heart breaking...
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