
Apr 25, 2006 18:27

i finished the Preacher graphic novel series about a week ago, and i highly reccomend it to anyone who doesn't take religion seriously. its a fantastic analysis on not only catholicism, but the american dream itself. if you enjoyed dogma, you'd definitely enjoy this. its basically about an alcoholic preacher who becomes sick with god, gets these crazy powers, and sets out on a quest with his crazy lover and vampiric best friend to hunt down god almighty himself. oh, and did i mention john wayne is his imaginary friend? its 9 seperate volumes, but its well worth the money. anyway, i still have to read manhattan transfer for english. (i'm contemplating whether i should sparknote it, since i also have to study for two AP exams, but i'd rather find out if its good or not first) after that, i should be reading The Autumn of the Patriarch by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which my dear mommy bought for me out of nowhere.

also, I just ordered the following for some light, "non-serious" reading last night from amazon.

The Zombie Survival Guide : Complete Protection from the Living Dead
Transmetropolitan Vol. 1: Back on the Street
Transmetropolitan Vol. 2: Lust for Life
Kingdom Come
Walking Dead, Vols. 1-4

so what, i wanna know is, what is y'all readin'?
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