yeah i did some quick research....

May 10, 2006 15:11

quick research and i honestly beilieve the u here is totally full of S...H...I.....T.!!!!!!!!!!!! "• More people die from suicide than from homicide.
• Suicide rates among the elderly are highest for those who are divorced or widowed.
• For young people 15-24 years old, suicide is the third leading cause of death." really as the third leading cause of death i hardly think only 12% of people think about it and then onlly six times a year.... COME ON PEOPLE seriously we are not stupid...! stupid university thinks it can pull a shade over our eyes.. if i can't believe this what other facts are lies... or desceptions/???? hmmm.... like the over taking of the drunk squirls who steal pizza and drink out of the vodka bottles and then jump out of the garbage cans to scare you as you walk by.. no seriously.... they are sooo drunk.. except my blonde tailed squirl friend... he eats with me at around 11... so cute.. why can't the other squirrls follow blondies example why do they have to be drunkerds...??? or why does it rain so much i swere it is a rain forest...
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