May 10, 2006 00:35
i really like writting my feelings down.. i kindda makes me feel better.. like when i paint them out or draw them out... its so addictive.. now only if i were good at it.....hmmmmmmm....... i should just combine my writing, art, musical, and film talents all into one...jk that would be over load.... actually i was going to make an instalation with a musical mix by me... a video by me.... and art on the wall.. and words from my poem and a sculputre of a very comfortable chair i made.. but my teacher said it would be overload.. and thinking aobut it .. o.o i kindda agree with her... oops..i get allitle over zelos sometimes.. what does lathargic mean??? it sounds familiar.... evil... ah who cares.. i don't and i don't think i ever will.. i don't care about anything... actualy i do care about everything except for myself.. how weird is that...hmm i wish i were a lump of clay that could lay.. all day.. and bake in the sun ...harden into a rock.. and be there unmoving unchanging for eternity...