(no subject)

Apr 28, 2003 15:22

yup, so today i went to school. somewhat of an eventful day. totally missed my first class which is bad because im on an attendance contract where i will be denied the credit for that class if im absent. or something or other. but really its ok by me.
in my third class i get to do a one act that i really like and draw for a few weeks... which really kicks ass. then theres the psyche class... teacher is a smart man who's ego is by all means, not hungry. constantly fed by students that know nothing, his ego is overweight from too much junk food. anyhoo, the assignment for the day was to find a partner and one of us would pretend we were blind for twenty minutes while the other guided them around by using only their voice (we favored marco polo). soon i found myself crawling up a ramp at the skate park (right next to the high school), then in the middle of highland avenue, and best of all, the mens restroom. yay. so after that class was lunch. i wasnt much hungry so i sent to the park (also next to the high school). a friend and i caught up on old times... childhood memories. at one point we were talking about the various head injuries we'd had since we were we lads and lassies. fun stuff, i tell ya. so then, after school i collected my prom pictures... im dissapointed. prom was supposed to be fun, but sadly, i didnt like my date in the least. so not even the pictures were fun to get. but i did get a ten dollar reimbursement because some of the pictures were not in focus.
k, now that i've written a butt load, i have one last note to leave you with... i like dr phill. dr laura sucks old dirty balls. (it really almost saddens me that i've listened to the two enough to know the difference or even have a preference except that i only watch or listen because my mom likes the two.... or maybe im just passifying myself). have a lovely day everyone
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