GIP, and Election 08

Sep 27, 2007 20:50

So, did anyone else watch the John Edwards forum on MTV? (Should I be admitting I still watch MTV? Oh, well.) I found it really interesting. I had been leaning towards Obama, and will still wait to hear what he has to say before I decide one way or another, but I have to say Edwards won me over a little. I especially liked what he had to say about his proposed College for Everyone program, universal health care, and the environment. I also agree with his views on topics like the war in Iraq, Darfur, and stem cell research. I'm glad I got a chance to hear his points of view, because the media seems like it focuses so much on Hillary vs. Obama, and I didn't know too much about Edwards before this show. MTV is, for the most part, grown into a cesspool, but I have always liked their Rock the Vote campaigns. Good on them, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the other candidates handle the forum, because if MySpace graphs are to be believed, Edwards rocked it.

election 08

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