Apr 03, 2004 06:03
9. Escape
cut to
interior crumbling hallway
As the remaining five charcaters run for thier lives, quoth by polygon window paces them and we cut back to shots of Ruiner chasing and different characters running. As the chase continues the hallway begins to gradually darken as mold and fungus begin to age the hallway in other ways. The whites and greys give way to yellow, black and crimson. The walls seemed to be seeping with moisture, almost like the insides of a decaying animal. Eventually the hallway is blocked off by a collasped section of the building and the characters are forced to pick an exit.
"Fuck. Where to now?"
"Try that door."
"I dont know about that...."
Ruiner is approaching rapidly, swinging his axe.
"I dont think its a matter of discussion."
He pushes ast Ethan and opens the door closest to the collapsed section.