F r i e n d s;; O n l y// 友人専用。

Sep 15, 2020 13:33

This is a place mostly for my writing, and if anyone's lucky, my scanner'll work and everyone will be able to see some of my art. <3

Simple rules.

  1. Comment here to most likely be added. (Because I'm in desperate need of friends.)
  2. Comment frequently, so I know you're still alive.
  3. Don't put down my work, but do add critique on what needs work, etc. (I really don't need to have my self-esteem plummeted to nothing.)
  4. Don't mind the sudden venting posts, you might not even know what I'm talking about (this is also a place to cool my mind from the rages of teenage life.)
  5. Don't jock my shit. (Duh.)
  6. Have fun. (Just like every other lame after-school/during-school program has on their rules list.)