turns out, i was genetically predisposed to liking chicken.

Mar 28, 2005 08:38

so anyway..

where to begin.. i suppose ffxi. We had finally reached lvl 30 and were able to unlock the advanced jobs. so when liza was on spring break we took it upon ourselves to do so. we got one pretty much every night for mon-fri. we got Beastmaster, Bard, Summoner, Ninja, Samurai, Dark Knight, and Paladin. so far all we're really misisng is dragoon, and ranger. which we're not in too much of a hurry to get. she wanted to level her summoner to use as a subjob.. i started out leveling dark knight with her summoner which went ok. but then we got ninja and apparently the world thinks ninja is the best sub for a warrior, so i started leveling that. but that sucked..i really got used to my warrior being able to take hits and not cry like a little girl.. i had to rest after every kill. i'm supposed to not get hit once i get my shadows.. but that scroll is like fucking 350k which i cannot afford yet. so i switched over to paladin and now we're moving along nicely, i can take the hits, deal out ok damage(not like with Great axe, which i love). and heal myself and others. so that's cool. so apparently i love tanking.. the thing is, do i want to tank with warrior or paladin? still undecided. oh well.

also we've been getting to know more about the linkshell we're in. i don't know if i posted but one of the main reasons we liked it right away is because it's mostly couples that play together or switch out. so it's pretty cool. they're all also more or less our age. now.. i like racial humor... i'm actually starting to wonder if i'm slightly racist or just have a good sense of humor. now here's a good example, some of our linkshell friends are... of african descent. no problems right they're all cool and we have a good time so there's no hate from me or anything so i'm not racist, right? the other night we were playing with one of our friends and we were getting hungry. now as a coincidence we had watermelon in the fridge so i got some of that to hold me over. so while playing we were discussing food options and those that know me know i love fried chicken. so we were talking back and forth with this guy that we were hungry etc. and it dawns on me, so i tell liza. 'whatever you do, don't tell him what we're eating cause he'll want to come over' and we both just burst out laughing like you wouldn't believe.. cause i mean c'mon watermelon and fried chicken right? (you had to be there, but it as hilarious). so yeah.. i'm not racist, i swear, but i did find it funny.

other than that, not much going on. had fun at liza's uncle's place for easter. almost done with school (april 26th i believe) and shortly after i hope to be able to find myself a decent job. speaking of school i also managed to get another certification. it doesn't count toward my mcsa/mcse, but it's something to say hey, i have this certification too. it's the inet+ certification

and as always i promise to try to update more
and as always i probably actually won't.

and also, i want a psp. but that's news to no one.
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